North American Dollar - NA$
The North American Dollar (Trade symbol NA$) is the currency of the United North American States. It is a fiat currency developed from the Canadian Dollar. The US Dollar was abandoned by the new North American nation as the US economy had collapsed during World War 3. As of 2300, the NA$ has the equivalent purchasing power of approximately $0.51 USD in 2000.
The North American Dollar slowly gained value after its creation in 2142 as the American economy recovered. The NA$ fell sharply during the War of the Americas as the Southern (Mexican) economy fell into chaos. The value never fully recovered when the Southernmost states seceded and became Federal Mexico. These states created their own currency based on the North American Dollar and designated it the Mexican Dollar - MX$.
Exchange Rates (2300)
CUP : 2.12NA$AFR : 1.89NA$
PAC : 0.91NA$
MX$ : 0.73NA$
AU$ : 1.04NA$
EUR : 1.14NA$
QMD: 0.27NA$
Item type
Currency & Deeds
Owning Organization