Character History Questions in Opus | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Character History Questions

Feel free to use these questions as a guide to assist in character creation!

Additionally, you only have to answer the questions which you are comfortable with and feel are relevant to your character! These are just meant to help guide you along your character creation journey!

Preliminary Info

Player Name:
Character Name:
Character Age:
Gender Identification/Pronouns:
Description of your character’s appearance, please include style as well as physical characteristics:


What is your character’s sexuality?:


Character History:

What does your character do for work?

Where do they live, and under what conditions?:

Where did they learn their skills?:

Familial Life

Who are your parents? Names, ages, marital status:

What do they do for work?:

Are they both alive? (If not, please say how/when they died):

What is your relationship with your parents?:

Do you have siblings? What are their names and ages?:

What is your relationship with your siblings?:

What is your family’s wealth level (ex. rich, poor, middle class, etc):


Besides family, are there any NPCs that are important to your life? Friends? Enemies? Please name 1-3 with brief descriptions of appearance, in-game race, and personality/relationship to you:

Do you have a rival?:

Have you had any major love interests? Any current ones?:

Player Sensitivity Questions

Are there any themes that you are sensitive to, but willing to explore after speaking to the DM?:

Are there any themes that you are absolutely opposed to in any way?:

Are there any themes you’d like to explore here, but feel they may be sensitive? If so, please enter them here:
Character History Questions taken from Persephiroth

Cover image: by Ahasanara Akter


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