Elemental Species in Ora | World Anvil
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The elementals are a sapient species of mostly bipedal shape, that are born from the untamed elements of Ora. While they are capable of roaming the land freely, they feel naturally drawn to and at peace in the places that they spring from - places where the elements are in their purest shape. Many types of elementals exist, and a lot of them are undocumented by other civilizations up to this point.   Most elementals are made of biological flesh to some extend, and combine its traits with those of their element. Depending on the specific type of elemental, their entire physiology can be effected by it: From their weight and volume, the texture of their skin and hardness of their bones, to their preferred and digestable diet and range of physical needs.   Elementals are naturally talented at wizardry and magic, and usually have some sort of minor magical capability that ties to the element they hail from.
Genetic Descendants
80 years
Average Height
1.4-1.9 meters
Average Weight
Highly dependent on Subspecies

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Cover image: Default Header Ora by Kelban

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