Tiefling Species in ORACLE | World Anvil
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Tieflings are one of the Plane-touched races of Faerun, and as such, their numbers increased after The Tear. Tieflings are often stereotyped as evil creatures because of their hellish heritage, but in reality, a tiefling is no more or less likely to turn towards evil than any other race. The increase in the tiefling population has helped to ease this stereotype, but there are people that still believe this to be true.   Many tieflings find themselves either magically or physically gifted because of their blood, making them invaluable to ORACLE. Likewise, their talents make them more likely to join ORACLE in order to further develop their abilities. Many good aligned Tieflings also feel a need to defend the Material Plane when a Rift to the Nine Hells opens up.  


Tieflings have bodies that are similar to humans, with some obvious differences. Their skin can be a wide range of colors and shades, with human skin tones and red being the most common, but tieflings can be any color of the rainbow. Almost all tieflings have horns of varying shapes and sizes. Some tieflings have other fiendish traits, such as hooved feet, tails, claws, or pointed ears as just a few examples. Very rarely, a tiefling may be born with wings.  

Tiefling Reproduction

Originally, tieflings were the result of a child being born to parents who had been affected by fiendish forces, intentionally or not. While some tieflings are still born in this way, that makes up a very small percentage of their population. Most tieflings are descendants of these original tieflings and non-tiefling partners. Two tiefling parents will always produce a tiefling child, but tieflings are capable of reproducing with other humanoid races, even more than humans can successfully reproduce with. Such offspring are born tieflings a little over half of the time, but will usually take on characteristics based on their non-tiefling heritage. For example, a tiefling born with an elven parent will have notably longer ears or those born to a gnomish parent will have shorter statures (although still significantly taller than their gnomish parent) and a higher chance of animal characteristics like hooves.   Non-tiefling offspring will appear to be an ordinary member of their other parent's race, but carry the bloodline of tieflings. While a non-tiefling descendant will normally reproduce as their race normally does, they have a small chance of producing a tiefling child. This chance decreases the more generations between the parent and their tiefling descendant, but it seems that this chance never disappears, as a tiefling can be born to a family that hasn't had a tiefling in their history for 1,000 years.  

Tiefling Names

Most current day tieflings are given names from their non-tiefling parents culture. Original Tieflings and tieflings born to long lines of tieflings are given names in Infernal and often named after powerful devils.

Example Male Names:

Astar, Cressel, Melech, Nirgel, Valafar

Example Female Names:

Azza, Decarabia, Kallista, Lillith, Shava  

Virtue Names

As a method to fight the stereotypes they faced, later tieflings began to replace their given names with a word that represented a quality they wished to embody. This trend came to be called Virtue Names and has become a sort of tradition among tieflings. Not all tieflings take new names, but many do, and even tieflings without infernal names occasionally take Virtue Names. It has also become common for more evil tieflings to take Virtue Names as well, enjoying the idea of embodying darker qualities.

Example Virtue Names:

Ambition, Death, Laughter, Mayhem, Wit
90 - 150 years
Average Height
4'11" - 6'
Average Weight
114 - 238 lbs


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