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Orasrupt and the Universe

Orasrupt, Heaven, the Broken City. This plane has many different names, but without a doubt, it is the first.

The Era of YISUN

Unknown - Circa 150 BYA

The creation of the universe...

  • Unknown
    YISUN is Born
    Era beginning/end

    "Let there be no Genesis"
    ~ YISUN
    YISUN is born, or, perhaps, YISUN discovers that they always existed.
    Maybe YISUN never existed at all.

  • Unknown
    YISUN commits Holy Suicide / The First Division

    "YISUN knew all multidimensional songs, knew all Syllables of Royalty, and wielded the infinite powers of reality and burned with infinite fractal fire. YISUN's glory was great.

    "Existing in an infinite state, YISUN had no equal. Being was only circular. It was a wretched life, without meaning or perception. Imagine infinite stories to tell, and nobody to tell them to.

    "So, God rejected singularity and circularity, and made the first and greatest division; Division of Self."

  • Unknown
    The First Duality

    "From division was birthed duality. White UN, Lord of Empty and Still Places, Master of All That IS NOT. Black YIS, Infinite Mother of the Rampant Flame, Master of All That IS.

    "They were shocked by each other, for although they each wielded infinite art, they were separate.

    "In fact, they were so horrified at each other's abject hideousness that they warred for seven years. After, they made love for seven hours, and thus, YISUN again made blissful division."

  • Unknown
    The Multiplicity

    "From YIS and UN were birthed The Multiplicity. 777,777 Gods in all."

  • Unknown
    Orasrupt and the Four Inheritors

    "They raised a City of Iron and Red Stone, and ruled and warred there for aeons, and when they were tired of Infinity, they forged the 4 Orders of Inheritors, so as to sustain and perceive their mighty works.
    "All life is fundamentally fire. The Flame Immortal, the infinite and sustained essence of YISUN. Worked by the gods Koss and Aesma. The Angels. Our kin. Our flame was too cold, and we were flung into the void. The Servants, entire races forged for one purpose. The Perceivers. Aesma's mistake, and the only true mortals. And a final flame, also cast into the void, a dark and hungry flame, of which we do not speak."
    Orasrupt is forged by the hands of Gods, and the First Sun is lit. The 4 Orders of Inheritors are forged.

  • Unknown
    Yabalchoath is Born

    All devils are born from the hungry black flame the Gods cast into the Void.
    Yabalchoath is among these devils.

Before the Conquest

Circa 150 BYA - 1 EY

  • Circa 130 BYA
    Orasrupt is Abandoned
    Population Migration / Travel

    God decides their work is done, and commits Divine Suicide. Their 777 777 constituent parts depart Orasrupt. The Archngels are left in Heaven as custodians.

  • Circa 130 BYA
    The Waiting
    Religious event

    Over the next 30 Kalpas, the Archangels act as custodians of Heaven. They grow larger and larger with each passing millenium.

  • Circa 2000 EY
    The Last of YISUN Dies

    The last of YISUN's 777 777 identities dies, on a plane far from Orasrupt.

  • 42 EY
    The Conquering King is Born
    Life, Birth

    On the insignificant plane of Faerûn, the Conquering King is born.

  • Moments before 1 FC
    The Firmament is Broken
    Era beginning/end

    Through unknown means, the Conquering King breaks through the firmament, and reaches Orasrupt. He wishes to meet God - not just one of the fickle Gods from his plane, but the mythical God of Gods.

The First Conquest

1 FC 76 FC

  • 1 FC

    The First Conquest Begins
    Era beginning/end

    The Conquering King arrives in Heaven, finding it abandoned, except for the massive Archangels. He has, unknowingly, inherited all of creation.

  • 1 FC - 22 FC
    The Slaughter of the Archangels
    Military action

    The Conquering King begins his twenty one year campaign of slaughter against the Archangels. He shatters their great ashen bodies and chases their souls into the Great Void, snuffing out every soul, one by one.
    It was there he learned of God's Scribe.

  • 22 FC
    The Breaking of Metatron
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The Conquering King tortures the scribe of YISUN, Archangel Metatron, until the Archangel unveils all of YISUN's names, one by one. Nothing is known about what happens to the Archangel after that.

  • 24 FC

    The Firmament Rendered

    With The Conquering King's splitting of the Firmament, the way is open for others to follow. Many come seeking power and prestige, but The Conquering King has already claimed the Throne of Heaven, and, the Universe.

    Additional timelines

The Golden Era

25 FC 1235 FC

  • 114 FC

    The Golden Era Begins

    The knowledge of thousands of universes comes together on Orasrupt. It was a time of prosperity.

    "It was the demiurges who rebuilt the Great Works of the Gods, and bent them to their will. They, who sought the void, and forged bodies for the Angels, and agreed on the law. They, who subdued, masked, and named the devils, and stole their secrets. For a time, they were content to remain apart from all other worlds, aloft, a virtuous society of Philosopher God-Kings. There, they coaxed many secrets from the universe, and lived in enlightenment, art, and song. It was a fat age, ripe with learning."

  • 121 FC

    131 FC

    The First Masking of Devils

    The masking of the Devils begins.
    Binding a devil with a mask grants them sentience, memories, a personality, and the ability to enter Orasrupt or any world from the void.
    Yabalchoath is among the Devils bound.

  • 476 FC

    Argos is born
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the Eldritch King

  • 1234 FC

    The Golden Era Ends

    The Golden Era ends with the Second Conquest.

The Second Conquest and the Universal War

1235 FC 2399 FC

  • 1442 SC

    The Universal War Begins
    Military action

    The Universal War, or the War in Heaven, was a war between the Demiurges of the 777 777 Planes.

    Additional timelines
  • Circa 2200 FC
    Regalia is born
    Life, Birth

    Regalia, the Bloody King, is born around this time.

    Additional timelines
  • 2342 SC

    The Conquering King disappears

    After years of inaction in the Universal War, the Conquering King disappears unceremoniously. This causes great distress in Orasrupt.

    Additional timelines
  • 2380 SC

    7 /1 12:00

    The Catastrophe
    Disaster / Destruction

    At midday on the seventh day of the 2320th year since the Conquering King began his conquest, THE FIRST SUN turns black.   This was not without fuss. Arcs of black energy erupted from the Sun, carving paths of destruction through, not only Orasrupt, but the entire universe. Entire planes were destroyed, all at once. Some suns reacted to the turning, and collapsed into voids of space or exploded, similarly destroying their planes. Entire segments of the Astral Plane that acts as a pathway between the planes were disintegrated. Millions of denizens of Orasrupt are killed, and billions across the universe.

    Additional timelines
  • 2397 SC

    The Universal War Ends
    Era beginning/end

    The Universal War ends after almost a thousand years of conflict between demiurges and their armies. Only seven remain, and they agree to sign a pact that ends their hostilities and splits the 777,777 planes between them.

    Additional timelines

The Sevenfold Pact

2399 FC and beyond

  • 2400 SC

    1 /1 12:00

    The Sevenfold Pact is Signed
    Diplomatic action

    The Sevenfold Pact is signed, officially ending the Universal War.