Mana Perception Physical / Metaphysical Law in Orbido | World Anvil
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Mana Perception

What is called Mana Perception is the ability to recognize and process the ebb and flow of the strange energy called Mana. It is a sixth sense of sort, and like other senses not everyone perceives things the same way or bothers to train so as to perceive things better. In a world of magic, it can nonetheless provide an advantage.


The perception is assumed to occur naturally for every single organism in the world, with relative sensitivity of course. Even beings seemingly devoid of the capacity to gather an effective amount of Mana, such as infants, Imps, or small creatures, appear capable to sense Mana being manipulated around them.   The exact way it is perceived is described as a strange pressure felt inside one's head, a different sense. When the stimulus is too strong or the sensitivity of the individual is too high, it can be perturbing. It has been recorded that very sensitive individuals may puke or even convulsce when faced with too many quantities of mana at once. Individuals who specialize in this sensory ability are called "Sensitives". They may train to weather these difficulties and even differentiate between mana elements and the intents behind their use. The most experts Sensitives are said to be able to spot distant people from the residue of infusion or magic damage on their clothes or bodies. The perfect application of such capabilities in warfare or other realms is still a theory however, as training it is very slow and may take time off a different, more useful more cost-effective formation.


Mana Perception is exclusive to Orbido as far as the leeman knows. Each individual's perception is unique and the mechanism behind what allows someone to become sensitive isn't clearly understood. The Old World had concepts such as hunches and the like, but they may be due to other phenomenom such as bloodlust or simple paranoia, nothing so advanced as Perception such as Orbidians know it.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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