Mor Banir Character in Orbido | World Anvil
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Mor Banir

The only child of the great Demon Lord Mor Natar Beast-Seeker. Banir knows full well that his father made him only to give the Mor Clan  a consolation prize. His talents far below that of his father, Banir is a frustrated Demon full of anger against a world that doesn't seem to need him.   Banir was born sickly and had trouble keeping up with other Demons in physical trials. INstead, his education in battle-school was stopped for some homeschooling at the clan's estate. Ashamed of his performance, Banir tried to make up for it in his studies to become the next governor of Mor Toith, but his efforts were all in vain. Nowadays, Banir handles menial bureaucracy and holds a empty title as Law-Master of the City-State. HIs bitterness translates into his constant frowning, his lack of mercy, and a bottomless ambition.
Year of Birth
526 AS 31 Years old

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