Royal Call to Conquest Document in Orbido | World Anvil
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Royal Call to Conquest

An epic written and shouted about aloud in every Easternite city on behest of King Jean IV "le Hardi" de Fortern. It is a call for an full-on offensive against the Keratos Empire to secure a chunk of land in the Verdant Steppesproper.

While this document was aimed at the population at large to give an air of righteousness to the whole enterprise, the various powers of the Eastern Realms countries had prepared for this great coalition behind closed doors for a while already.


Inform and encourage the populations to volunteer for the campaign.

Document Structure

Publication Status

This document was made available to town criers and various information networks to be spoken out loud in as many places as possible within the Human Realms.

Historical Details


A couple years after the Battle of the Cleaver Hills and the capture of a Hero by the Demons, Fortern saw an opportunity in attacking the Empire upon learning of various struggles they were facing on their territories and abroad. The new Feralese offensive to the far-east for instance, but also the noted illness of Demon Lord Vel Grao.

Eager to live up to his monicker of liberator, Jean IV set out to enact his wish to attack to not only get riches and territories, but mostly humiliate the Empire, securing its status as waning, as well as boosting his popularity in freeing slaves in any City-State they might conquer.
Decree, Royal
Signatories (Organizations)

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