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Lemieri Lafayet, de Loraine, Antigam

Illijská císařovna Lemieri Lafayet, de Loraine, Antigam

Resurrection date
14. Iulii. 5263

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a swordsman she was (and still is) agile and well-built during her life

Body Features

Tanned skin from numerous war campaigns

Facial Features

Pŕísný obličej

Identifying Characteristics

Výšší tón hlasu než je běžné

Special abilities

Immense power of mind which allows her to use full potential of Light magic as well as effectively combat up to 5 mages at once. She was (and is) one of the greatest swordsman in Illia.

Apparel & Accessories

She wields legendary artefact called "Fini" and magically enhanced armour of the Imperial guard with 3 patches (Diamond, Crystal, Diamond) going from one shoulder to the other. On her index finger she has Imperial signet ring.

Mental characteristics


Lacovská Akademie - Katedra Magistrů - Umění Světla Bojová škola Sosmská - boj se dvěma zbraněmi


Aristokrat po většinu svého života

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sjednocení Illijských znepřátelených království do jediné Říše
Poražení démonských vojsk

Intellectual Characteristics

Intelligent, musical, logical, moral, pragmatic

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely good at one to one combat (even mage combat)

Likes & Dislikes

Hates incompetent people
Likes music especially from composer Jari Minch

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient, long-term planner

Vices & Personality flaws

High voice


Hobbies & Pets

She used to have a little parrot while she was a child.
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Císařovna Illijská
Hraběnka du Loraine
23 40
Circumstances of Death
Smrt přišla nečekaně během cesty z Lorainského hrabství do Sylceranského vévodství. Lemi zemřela ve spánku během cesty.
Hrabství Lorainské
Current Residence
Illi - Říšský palác
Světle zelené
Dlouhé, rozpuštěné, hnědé
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Opálená bílá kůže
1.80 m
65 kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Starověká Gephri

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