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A most unassuming decree

By Order of The High King

To Whom It May Concern

Let it be known that it has been authorized and shall be fulfilled - unless acted upon by the gods - that the Imperium Omnis assigns, by sentence of High King Titarion, under the guise of The Assembly, an order of Class B, Articulum C, 'Dispatch and Deploy', under Pax Militantibus.

 Garrisoned forces, 15th Legio, cohors centurionis arbitrio.

Follows the Excerpt

I, High King Titarion of Nulla Domus, Sovereign over Gamörd,
Imperator of the Absolute Realms, hereby name Preceptor General Ivar Agnürsson, for the purposes of investigating Exilium Umbral, my Exarch. With this come not only the regular powers of my representation but also the arbitrage to operate Liminar Extremis and control of a Vanguard Regiment here on now under his command; until second order; from me or my sucessor or, paining the realm in disarray, from the Hammer of Balance or any of His Exarchs of the Legio Ferrum. I hereby consign to liberality
the formation and composition of this exploratory regiment, centurionis arbitrio. Let it be known, obeyed and followed,
lest the ghost of His Bygone Supremacy, and our House of None,
and all past regents's ghost, haunt the disobedient. I hereby grant in extra permissionem the authority, to every military age citizen of the realms to execute on sight, any who impede, obstruct or disobey this decree, with the blessings and rewards of my name, my predecessor's name, and his predecessor before him.      

To be deliverend in manum centurioni, to him who is ahead of the legion, or whosoever that mantle befell-to vis


or hand-copied for massive distribution, should public order come under siege.

For Players

This is a scenario for a one-shot adventure set on Continent Primus of the Orbis Summaria universe.

Making your characters

  Ruleset: any
Races: any
Power level: recommended D&D lvl 6-8 or equivalent. 
Level 10 if running solo.  

Adventure preparations

In the shoreline avenue in the wharfs of the Warhouse District of Snow Glade, the sprawling capitol of the Empire, this tale takes place.
Suddenly a plump courier arrives at the intersection, dressed in courtly attires. He comes out of the largest building in the avenue, a Fort where a massive 'XV' hangs in standards, where the 15th legion is garrisoned.
He takes to the podium (every major crossroads have a podium in the capitol, used both by street artists and emissaries on proclamation or auction) and sure enough unrolls a heavy scroll with the seal of the Emperor, but broken, surely after the receiver has read it.
He begins to read it aloud.   Read the decree to the left then answer the following questions:
  1. Are you a member of the 15th Legion?
  2. If not, what are you doing in this wharf at this time?
  3. If so, what is your role within the Legion: soldier, military advisor, attaché, bureaucrat?
  4. How did you come to join the Legion?
Write down your answers in your character block or whatever other place you've arranged with your Dungeon Master.


Orbis Summaria
Continent Primus
Geographic Location | Dec 28, 2020
15th Legion
Organization | Dec 28, 2020

The last instituted legion of the realm

Any questions may be directed at Havoc, arbiter of this realm.

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