A material of synthetic fabric, created and often produced by Sycore. Its most often uniform to Pawslovicore assassins, where the people are already close with a lot of sycore infastructure. Its made to feel like a leather, as strong flexibility, and yet is at least as sturdy as carbon steel. Its believed to be made up of an odd silk from "Star Spiders", soaked in an oil to remove its flamable properties, and a nyulisian Steel alloy.
History & Usage
Everyday use
Its uniform material across pawslovicore assassins. Its a material that can fit them adjustably, yet snug enough to promote their 'features' in key situations, while hardy enough that they can sharpen their claws against it or pass it through flak. They're sometimes very under-dressed, but it tends to allow what armor they have to hold up pretty well, and still move quick and stealthily.
In other instances, its favored for military vehicle interiors, and tarps. Given many armies may have their own methods in mind, its probably most represented in PMC style units, and may even be found among 'rival' corporations like Jraki Kvot. Its less seen in civilian uses, unless they're ex-military and clinging onto 'old reliables'.
Trade & Market
Easiest sales are with any form of contact with Sycore trading and industries, however it has been cut out into other markets, or middle-man retail that funnel the money back to sycore. Often the material is either ordered for a property (Ex: Ordered as the seat material for two-dozen military vehicles), or found in smaller set pieces or as supplementary to pre-made wares like on clothing, or a tarp.