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Daggerfall Island

Daggerfall Island lies within the Varisian Bay, and enjoys a relatively secluded lifestyle. It is made up of two villages, as well as a sacred mountain. One village, Galewatch, is inhabited by the Air Monks, who protect the sacred mountain and its winds, as well as instruct students in the Way of the Flowing Wind. The other village (helpfully named Daggerfall) is made up of traditional townsfolk, who live a largely agricultural lifestyle.    Daggerfall Mountain is held as a sacred place largely because it is where the Elemental Blade of Air first manifested in its physical form. However, this is not necessarily common knowledge among those who are not scholars on the subject, and many of the locals believe it to hold magical healing properties.


The island itself is mostly rolling hills and plains, with lots of excellent farmland to live off of. The settlement of Daggerfall is large in scope, with many of the residents living far from the center in order to have their spacious farms. These peaceful grasslands transition to rockier terrain as they approach Mount Daggerfall, and the mountain itself is mostly barren and craggy, with many cliffs. The winds closer to the peaks can reach extremely high velocities, threatening to blow over even large livestock that wander onto the mountain.

Localized Phenomena

While most of the island is completely normal, there are strange phenomena that manifest at the top of Mount Daggerfall. The top of the mountain perpetually blows with magical winds, getting stronger closer to the peak. At top strength the winds can blow over even large creatures, and falling rocks are a constant danger.   Storms form incredibly frequently, and elementals of various types roam the area around the mountain, thankfully avoiding the general area around the two villages.    Supposedly the veil between the planes is particularly thin around the mountain, and supposedly travelers have disappeared, stranded in other planes.


Daggerfall island was almost entirely uninhabited until it was discovered as the resting place of the Elemental Blade of Air in 1E 25. After the blade's discovery, it was almost immediately removed for use in the Precursor Wars.    The Air Monks established Galewatch soon after, and the town of Daggerfall sprung up to suit those not cut out for the monk lifestyle.   Now the island's civilization is almost entirely self-sustaining, with small amounts of tourism based around seeing either Galewatch or the mountain, which some believe holds beneficial healing properties.
Related Tradition (Primary)

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