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Quent - "The City of a Hundred Taverns". While not the largest of ports in the Shackles, it may just be the one sailors remember with the most fondness, being a haven for taverns, brothels, casinos, spas, and all other sorts of pleasures and relaxations. Overseen by the admired and feared pirate lord Captain Tessa Fairwind, famous for a wit as quick as her blade, Quent is a stronghold of the Shackles itself - not only one of the best holdouts against an attack, but a conglomeration of everything that gives the Shackles their identity.


Quent was originally founded by a group of refugees who fled from the mainland in order to escape the Empire's growing power. Over time however, humans have managed to filter their way in as they so often do. Now, the city's racial makeup is a microcosm of that of the Shackles as a whole. The inhabitants are majority human, but only by a slight edge, with a mix of elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, orcs, and the occasional dragonborn or tiefling.    Racial issues are almost non-existent in the Shackles due to lacking two major points of contention present in the Empire - There is no overwhelming majority of one particular race, and slavery applies to everyone equally; many humans have found themselves bound and forced to serve alongside leonin, tieflings, and others.

Industry & Trade

Quent's harbors are absolutely massive, able to hold easily over a thousand ships in port at once. This, along with its relatively central location within the Shackles, and reputation for general friendliness towards competent outsiders, cause it to be a booming trading hub, with businesses of all kinds flourishing. If a traveler is looking for some kind of service or good that is difficult to find in you average town, Quent might be a good place to look, with their economy supporting services not usually available (you can actually get a nice hot bath here) and merchants from around the world bringing goods to sell in the marketplace or their own permanent businesses. Quent's fame for having many taverns has also led to an interesting tradition among many of the establishments, where those particularly focused on the serving of alcohol all strive to create their own unique brew, thereby bringing in business from those who prefer their creation over others. These owners are often very attached to and proud of this proprietary formula, and will guard the secrets of creating them jealously. Many a sailor would put down his drink if he new the increasingly absurd and superstitious ingredients involved in its creation.


A few notable locations in Quent:
  • The Spider-Witch: A combination tavern/inn/temple to Lolth. Definitely a relaxing place to stay, but something about the atmosphere causes many sailors to spill secrets they otherwise would not. Eisheth, the proprietor, is quick to use this fact to her own advantage, and the Spider-Witch is also a business that deals in secrets, trading them like a precious commodity. The fact that Elsheth happens to be a succubus also doesn't hurt.
  • Bella's Gently Used Goods: A bit of a catch-all general store, run by the fiery young human Bella Wright (age 17), who is happy to let her customers and competitors believe she is a naïve child, all while expertly overcoming the competition and making a healthy profit on her wares.
  • The Bent Nail: Jebediah Wood, a middle-aged human man, happens to be a genius, although you wouldn't know it. He is one of the most anti-social smiths in all the Shackles, but rumor has it that if you bring him a set of blueprints, an interesting new design, or a couple preliminary sketches of something unique, you'll see something light up behind his eyes, and he'll happily lock himself in home, not to be seen for days, until he emerges with a finished product, a work of engineering and skill rarely seen outside of the Obsidian Isle.
  • The Markets: Built into Grove's Square (named after Aliana Grove, founder of Quent) is The Markets, a huge series of stalls and shops that peddle goods from all around Ordon. You'll frequently see individuals shouting deals and catchphrases in a myriad of languages, and will often have to double check just to identify what it is the person is selling.
  • Eathelina Staithe: This staithe is one of the best in the Shackles, and is an excellent place to get your ship upgraded, or just sell off your cargo and prepare for the next journey. They don't do squibbing though, not even Eathelina is greedy enough to try to edge into Rickety's market.
  • Chloeia's Greenhouse: When Chloeia wanted to start a small garden and sell exclusively what she grew there, everyone called her crazy. Then she showed up to The Markets with a squash the size of a horse. Ever since then, she's always had enough business to scrape by. 
  • Thread N Needle: Lucae Gorsuch deals in only the most fashionable of clothes. But to be a step ahead of the game, he only sells what he thinks will be fashionable next season. That means his stock can be anything from the largest collection of fur coats, to a series of shirts lined with scales, to very impressive royal purple outfits, to that one time he only sold clothes in bright white. But after all, who are you to judge? It's not like you're a fashion expert now are you?
  • The Fatty Ham: In a house on Butcher Row there lives a butcher. Butch Fatty is a butcher who butchers fatty hams. With his large hams, he can fattily butcher many fatty hams. Fatty tends to ham up his butchering, but Butch doesn't ham about how his fatty hams can butcher fatty hams. Also, he makes a mean sausage.
  • Millerchamp's Blade: If you need a haircut, a tooth pulled, or a bone set, you go to Ami Millerchamp. She's the best at what she does. According to her slogan, she specializes in "fast haircuts and slow amputations".
Founding Date
2E 90
Large town
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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