Ember Character in Orden | World Anvil


Ember 2 (8)
Damage Inflicted 2
Armor 1, 3 versus fire
Movement Short, Climb
Modifications Eyes Adjusted: You can see in extremely dim light as though it were bright light. You can see in total darkness as if it were extremely dim light.
Combat As an action, Ember can bite for 2 damage. The target then needs to make a Defense: Might roll or take an additional 2 points of poison damage.
Ember started out as a giant wolf spider born and breed through the the traditions of the gossamer halflings. Through the use of an elixir made from mushrooms grown in the refuse is an Elder red dragon she has taken on aspects of the dragon. She has fine red dragon scales that cover her body improving her resistance to normal damage as well as Fire. Her strength and intelligence have both increased as well. When in tattoo hibernation her form is now red instead of black.

Cover image: Storm Giant by Ruben SMit


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