Go Oddities Go Building / Landmark in Orden | World Anvil

Go Oddities Go

The name thought to be a clever play on words, the shop is not much better. What looks like a hoarders house is a shop where you can find just about any oddity and is asked a few nice magical items. The owner Iago Knotwise is just as quicky as as you would expect in a store of this kind. It is a stand out shop in the village of hamadra.
Go Oddities Go Prices
Item Cost
Braided Quarterstaff 110 gp
Container of Heat and Cold 35 gp
Hasty Sugarbombs 100 gp
Jolly Oozebean Sugarbombs 100 gp
Kindle Egg Sugarbombs 100 gp
Knocking Boots 150 gp
Pack of Levibubbles Sugarbombs 100 gp
Prism Glasses 50 gp
Servitude Choker 200 gp
Silken Socks of Slickening 300 gp
Steps of the Trickster 65 gp
Torpedo Arrow 50 gp
Void Arrow 75 gp
Shop, Magic


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