Greyguard Archives Building / Landmark in Orden | World Anvil

Greyguard Archives

This large two story building is divided into sections much like the city. Access to the different areas of books is based on the level of archive pass you have. The least access is the public which is for most novel and common historic book. The next level is academic which is usually given to students at the Greyguard Academy which gives access to most intellectual and instructional books. Next level is mage access which allows people to books on magical study and magical history. The next is historian which gives access to controversial history books and in some cases papers, maps and other items of historical importance. The last is master historian which is the most difficult to obtain. It requires both buy off from the manager of the archives Mindful Knowledgebringer and the Dean of the Greyguard Academy, Eldon Ningel. This area contain ancient items some of which have yet to be gone through or read. While this area may look like a dusty warehouse be assured that it contains some of the oldest texts around.

Cover image: Storm Giant by Ruben SMit


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