The Silver Lining Vehicle in Orden | World Anvil

The Silver Lining

Sailing ships are fast-moving designs focused on travel. Warships are slower but more heavily armed vessels capable of taking on more cargo. They share many of the following areas, but, as their map tags reveal, they don’t have the exact same facilities.

Layout of the Ship

Ceilings. The ceilings in the lower deck, holds, and cabins are 8 feet high with 6-foot-high doorways.
Doors. The ship’s doors are made of wood and have AC 15, 18 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. A lock can be picked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check made using thieves’ tools, or the door can be forced open with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.
Footlockers. Footlockers on the ship are iron and have AC 19, 18 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
Light. Hanging lanterns cast bright light throughout the ship.
Rigging. Rigging on the ship can be climbed without an ability check.
Sails. The ship has three 80-foot-tall masts with sails to catch the wind and oars on the lower deck for rowing.

1. Forecastle
The forecastle has the following features:
Ballista. A ballista (DMG, ch. 8) is attached to the deck. Ten ballista arrows are stacked and secured nearby.
Figurehead. The figurehead for this ship is quite unique. Instead of some kind of sea creature of lady of the sea, it bares the relief of a silver dragon. It actually gleams in the sun as some of is components are actual dragon scales.
Railing. The forecastle has a 3-foot-high rail around its perimeter that provides half cover for Medium creatures and three-quarters cover for Small creatures behind it.

2. Main Deck Forward
Captain’s Quarters. The captain’s quarters hold a bed and a desk. Beneath the bed is an iron footlocker that holds the captain’s belongings.
Port Study. The captain’s personal sitting room. Open to officer’s this room has a comfortable chair and shelf of books held on the shelves with ropes.
Conference Room. This room is dominated by a large table. This is when the captain and their officer’s discuss daily business and travel options.

3. Main Deck
Rowboats. Two rowboats are stacked on top of each other on this deck. Ropes and pulleys can hoist these boats in and out of the water.
Railing. The main deck has a 3-foot-high rail around its perimeter that provides half cover for Medium creatures and three-quarters cover for Small creatures behind it.

4. Main Deck Aft
Pantry. The everyday mainstays that the cook uses for daily meals. The are replenished periodically from the hold on the lower deck during long voyages.
Kitchen. A small but functional kitchen whose messiness is in perfect order according to Granny Gruel. There is even a comfy stool in the corner where she sleeps at night.
Messhall. The two small dining areas are opposite one another the doors often left open during meals so conversations can pass between the two rooms.
Navigation. This room holds a large table, several chairs and boxes of maps, charts and a complete set of navigation tools.
Ship Wizard Quarter’s. This reasonably large room is left to Kristen Riptide to occupy. Its size is partially due to the teleportation circle inscribed in silver on the aft half of the room. She rarely let’s others into the room, even the captain.
5. Quarterdeck
Mangonel. Sailing ships have one mangonel (DMG, ch. 8) attached to the deck. Warships have two mangonels (DMG, ch. 8). Each weapon has 10 mangonel stones stacked and secured near it.
Railing. The main deck has a 3-foot-high rail around its perimeter that provides half cover for Medium creatures and three-quarters cover for Small creatures behind it.
Wheel. The ship’s wheel stands at the aft of the quarterdeck.

5. Lower Deck Forward Officers’ Quarters. Four beds stand in the officer’s quarters. Beneath each is an iron footlocker that holds the officers’ belongings. The officers sleep in shifts so someone remains on duty to command the crew and carry out the captain’s orders.

6. Lower Deck Main
Siege Weapon Ammunition. Shelves and rope on the walls of this cabin secure mangonel stones and ballista arrows.
Armory. The ship’s supply of weapons and armor is held in this cabin. Its walls are fitted with built-in weapon and armor racks. The door to this cabin is usually locked, the key kept by one of the ship’s officers.
War Room. This is where the bosun makes decisions and gives commands to the crew working both the cannons and calling up to the ballista and Mongonel topside.

5. Lower Deck Aft
B Four beds stand in the crew quarters. Beneath each is an iron footlocker that holds the officers’ belongings. The officers sleep in shifts so someone remains on duty to command the crew and carry out the captain’s orders. At the very back is hammocks for many of the lower ranking crew.

12. Hold
This area houses both passengers and cargo. The ship’s off-duty crew sleep on bedrolls among the crates and barrels of food, water, and other supplies.
Supplies. This area holds tools, barrels of tar, rope, extra material to repair sails, and other supplies needed to maintain the ship.
Brig. This cabin is meant for guests and visiting high-ranking officials along for the journey but often have a greater need to house prisoners rather than guests. Each bed aboard such a vessel also has a set of manacles (see chapter 5 in the Player’s Handbook) attached to its frame.
Bosun’s Quarters. The captain’s quarters has just a bed and a few trophies. Beneath the bed is an iron footlocker that holds their belongings.
The Main Crew
Bosun - Grimlock "The Red Hound"
Captain - Shalryn Vax
Deck Wizard - Kristen Riptide
First Mate - Peren Liadon
Cook - Granny Gruel
Silver Lining Game Statistics
Gargantuan vehicle (100 ft. by 20 ft.)
Creature Capacity 30 crew, 20 passengers
Cargo Capacity 100 tons
Travel Pace 5 miles per hour (120 miles per day)
STR 20 (+5)
DEX 7 (−2)
CON 17 (+3)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 21 (+5)
Languages Common, Draconic (understands but does not speak)
Damage Immunities poison,
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious

On its turn, the ship can take 3 actions, choosing from the options below. It can take only 2 actions if it has fewer than twenty crew and only 1 action if it has fewer than ten. It can’t take these actions if it has fewer than three crew.
Fire Ballista. The ship can fire its ballista (DMG, ch. 8).
Fire Mangonel. The ship can fire its mangonel (DMG, ch. 8).
Fire Cold Cannon. The ship can fire its cold Cannon if recharged.
Move. The ship can use its helm to move with its sails.

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 300 (damage threshold 15)
Control: Helm
Armor Class 18
Hit Points 50

Move up to the speed of the ship’s sails, with one 90-degree turn. If the helm is destroyed, the ship can’t turn.
Movement: Sails
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 100; −5 ft. speed per 25 damage taken
Speed (water) 45 ft.; 15 ft. while sailing into the wind; 60 ft. while sailing with the wind

Weapon: Ballista
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 50
Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage.

Weapon: Mangonel
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 100
Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 200/800 ft. (can’t hit targets within 60 ft. of it), one target. Hit: 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage

Weapon: Cold Cannon (recharge 5-6)
Armor Class 18
Hit Points 150
Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft. Line Hit: 35 (10d6) cold damage


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