The Stoked Fire Building / Landmark in Orden | World Anvil

The Stoked Fire

The Stoked Fire would be stand out place to drink no matter where it was. Built into the bottom root structure of an ancient burned out tree, its now glossy black walls reflect the flames inside giving the impression of sitting in the middle of a warm fire. Once owned by the Stonefire family its now under the ownership of it's barkeep Aposi Dundreth.
The Stoked Fire
Item Cost
Ale (gallon) 2 sp
Ale (mug) 4 cp
Wine, common (pitcher) 2 sp
Verona's Red 10 gp
Bread, loaf 2 cp
Cheese, hunk 1 sp
Mushroom Stew 1 gp
Venison Chunk 3 sp


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