Verona's Vine Building / Landmark in Orden | World Anvil

Verona's Vine

This upscale establishment in Hamadra specializes in unique wines and meats. It is owned by a raven haired human named Verona Gendi.
Verona's Vine Menu
Item Cost
Ale (gallon) 2 sp
Ale (mug) 4 cp
Wine, common (pitcher) 2 sp
Verona's Red 10 gp
Verona's Field Blend 50 gp
Verona's Reserve 100gp
Mushroom Wine 50 gp
Banquet (per person) 20 gp
Bread, loaf 2 cp
Flower Bread 2 sp
Cheese, hunk 1 sp
Goat Cheese 5 sp
Exotic Honey 1 gp
Venison Chunk 3 sp
Boar Chunk 3 gp
Boar Ribs 6 gp
Boar Head 10 gp
Whole Pheasant 5 sp
Hopper (Frog Leg) 5 gp
Smoked Snake 2 gp
Brewery / Winery


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