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Imagine if there was a world unlike any other, with Orcs and wizards saturating the land. Magic in abundance with almost everyone possessing it. Many empires have tried to control it, but none have succeeded. This world is split between 7 warring factions, fighting for supremacy.   Mountains cover the land, dwarfing the cities based at their foot. Vast forests cover much of the islands, and are filled with creatures, many of which haven't been seen in centuries. Oceans are riddled with many monsters. Pirates roam the seas, plundering anyone who strays in their path.   There are 3 continents, one suspended above the ocean. Giants roam the lands wrecking villages and army camps alike. The vast history of Ordeon is scattered between many libraries and tombs. The scrolls of Diamante are the one thing that prevails in all the stories. There are 5 scrolls, 2 of which are found. If all are united they would give the possessor ungodly powers.   What do they call this world?   Ordeon   This project describes the geography and the history of a fantasy world called Ordeon. This information is split up in to articles inside categories below. The best way to navigate this world is to start by reading through the articles in the World Atlas about the geography in Ordeon. Next, click on the World Encyclopaedia, to learn about the people, monsters and animals that inhabit Ordeon. Finally, the History of Ordeon and the History and the Fairies include the history and the development of the people in Ordeon.

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