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Anubas Ritual

A cruel and malicious ritual that allows people to grow beyond the normally possible. The name is whispered in the dark while few no really what the ritual is about. No man nor woman with a right mind would set out and pursue such evil science.

Spoiler explanation

Anubas Ritual is a pact with some dark force by the name Anuba, who is secrelty Kor. You sacrifice flesh of your body and the blood of the person you hold most dear to forge a bond between Anuba and yourself. You can modify your body willengly and go in the extrem. Also abilities like more magical powers belong to the body. The blood links you to this plane of existience. Otherwise you woulld be dragged from this place. " Anuba, to you oh mighty Anuba I give my flesh. (CUT YOUR FLESH) Take my flesh to let me become your flesh. (OFFER THE FLESH AND BURN IT) This blood be my anchor to serve and honor your name (DRINK THE BLOOD)"
  This ritual can modify your body in almost anyway you desire. The problem is that the ritual words don't tell you about the blood lust. You need to bath in the blood of the most dear and eat his flesh to anchor yourself permanently in the plane. Otherwise you will die or go crazy!!


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