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Brainsprouter are medium sized creatures with a live span of about 120 years. This race strives to enslave all other races. This deep desire is based in their creation mythology. They were created by Six who became later known of as Miros  and was cast by Alpha  into the star Miros during his war with Mira . In contrast to other races Miros never shared his power with other prespectrals and kept a strong connection to his creations. The Brainspouters still feel this connection and believe it nower days it is there connection to their god Walosh.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

A brainsprout is not born, it is created via budding. A adult brainsprouter extends a brain convolution into new small sprout. This sprout is than embedded into the brain stem of a new victim. Over time it is sprouting into a region of the host and transform it. At first only a slight psionic ability increases is noticable but over time, the brain is turned outside and replaces the previous head. At this point nobody mistakes the brainsprouter for its previous host.
  The transformation depends on the resistance and willingness of the host but can take from as short as two weeks up to a two to three decades. If necessary a brain sprout can abondon the host if necessary, in this form the brain sprout is vunerable to attacks and thus often develops some defences like spikes, tentacles or even wings for a fast retreat. In this form they are called a brain sprouted. They will try to find a suitable host as fast as possible, devour the victims brain and replace it.  
A brain sprouted with wings


All brainsprouters form a collective mind as they are basically from the same brain. This is most noticable due to the fact that many brainsprouters in a region are grouped into a cluster and are controlled by an original sprout. If an original sprout is killed, another brainsprouter is transformed into the next original sprout which can only be prevented if a brainsprouters are killed in a wide region (serveral hundreds of km).  
An original sprout, which controls the brainsprouter in the region
A brainsprouter which is completly transformed and could grow new sprouts.
A brain which is heavily infected with a brain sprout.
A sprouted brain with tasks and even some small brain sprouts of it own.
120 years


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