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Cythnara Planewalker

Cythnara Planewalker was born as a great thinker. She wanted to help the people as a scientist. She proposed new ideas, equal rights, health care to the people. She established schools and care for all. Her movement was called the Planeswalker. Criminal Forces, Evil Forces and Nobility bonded together to stop her movement as it posed a threat to their power.   Her trail is lost in the ages and nobody know what became over her.   Spoiler explanation
She left many clues of her work and her connection to the planeswalker. Her magical abilites and believes in her ideals made her to one of the powerful creatures at her time. She easily achieved immortality and might have even become a godess if she had not been caputred by Kor and improsend in the plane of Devil. As a Catalysator she was a powerful tool and has been liched of her powers over the years. However, a powerful Catalysator is only powerful if he/she can influence people and thus her prison keepers allowed her asteral projection to walk the The material plane at regular intervals. She became known as Liliyane Anlay and left clues about her whereabouts.


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