BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Ji, Ti and the weave

Ji and Ti are forming the whole world. Ji is describing the power in the universe while Ti is describing the physical part of it. The power is animating the undead material while without the material the power could not influence anything. Both can't exist without each other but no live like we it now could exists in a universe where Ji and Ti could influence each other without any restriction. Everything would change from one blink of an eye to another. Even time wouldn't really exist. Alpha the beginning of everything seperated Ji and Ti by the weave. With this seperation Alpha enabled the possiblity of living like we now it.    

Weave of fate

  While the above detailed information are not known to many or any creature in Ordrul, many know one variant of the story of fate. The story describes in general the following:   Alpha the father of creation and mother of fate. He created all beings as strings in this world and called it Ji. She takes these strings and weaves them together by power. This power is called Ti. All beings are tighted togehter in a way even if they are far from each other. Strings ends or begin as new life arises or dies in the world. Some strings are entalged with others and form thicker parts in the weave. These strings are catalysator and shape the world more than others. The more powerful the string or catalysator the greaters its potentail to effect the Ti itself.
The Ji is trying to stream into the Ti and is stopped at the weave which holds the reality togehter.  
The weave connecting everything in a small labrotory    
A catalysator surrounded by the weave
Metaphysical, Elemental


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