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Bicep of God Sattari

A traveling cleric who is part of the Stigmatized . He follows Fordor commands for now. He strives for something more ...


Open questions: What is his mark of stigmatism? What is his magical item? Specialty?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A light tainted and muscled man. He wears almost always dark clothes. He can be described as a formidable athlet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • With 8 years a group of clerics belonging to the Ardic Relgion and the Ard Jornul came through his village and searched for new recruits. Yama left with them to leave his old and boring life behind.
  • He became a cleric and was fascinated by the mighty powers Jornul bestowed on him.
  • Especially the dark powers and necromoncy attracted his interest. During the partially forbidden studies he ...
  • Shortly after the discovery of his new powers he was accepted into the Stigmatized by Fordor

Accomplishments & Achievements

His biggest achievement was to recognize that he has unlimited potential. Every future failure will make him only stronger.

Mental Trauma

  • Yama's only friend was Larry, a duck
  • He talked day and night with his duck because nobody else wanted to listen
  • Yama wanted to be like the duck, free of duties and discovering the world
  • One day Larry flew away and was hit by a lightning strike
  • Yama has lost his only friend and companion

Morality & Philosophy

Yama loathes normality. He belives it to be a kind of weakness.

He believes in the survival of the fittest. Therefore all people should bend their knees to the most powerful creature on this planet.

Personality Characteristics


He believes to determined to be a powerful and influcal person. He will do anything to gain more and reach his goal of immense power and immortality. For this reson he became a cleric and serves Fordor.

Vices & Personality flaws

He believes himself to be flawless. Other people see his selfisness and lust for power at the costs of others as a big issue.


Family Ties

He cut all ties with his family, even his family name. He is disappointed of the normal lives his parents try to live. He hated his early life and was happy to life it behind.

He left behind a mother, a father and four siblings.

Year of Birth
1362 SY 30 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in a small village south of Nalok


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