The Cradle's Sands

Where Dreams Go To Die

And from its great cradle, the Dreamwalker rose, the Sands of Time flowing from its eyes.
— Excerpt from The Orian Chronicles
  A large expanse of desert. Most would agree that to venture into the Cradle is to sign your own life away.  

Dangers Abound

The Cradle's Sands is home to a number of deadly species, a major factor in why signs of civilisation are virtually non-existent until you leave its dunes behind. One of the more common monsters that can be found here are the Dream Scorpions, though these are far from the deadliest monsters hidden in the sand. The Sand Wraith is virtually a myth with how little is known about it, as not one person has been known to encounter it, and survive - in fact, some people believe it doesn't even exist, and is nothing more than a nightmare to scare people out of venturing into the Cradle.  

Shrouded in Legend

The Orian Chronicles are the reason for the Cradle's name. They tell of a divine being, known as the Dreamwalker, who was supposedly born where the Cradle is today, and that the being's tears formed the dunes.


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