LightRock Item in Orichalca | World Anvil
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A utility curio that, when struck on a hard object (an action colloquially called 'cracking' it), emits one of a number of coloured glows for some time. They are more reliable than torches or lanterns and do not require any fuel so they are popular items for adventurers. That they emit no smoke or heat, and cannot be extinguished with water, which makes them very useful in situations where other forms of light would not function.   The size of the rock denotes the brightness of the glow. The size of the rock used by adventurers is not enough to fully illuminate a large room, but that can be fixed by using more rocks. The colour of the glow is fixed when the LightRock is first made. Each rock, regardless of size, produces light for around one hours at full intensity, then at reduced intensity for around two hours. Once it has stopped glowing completely, it takes around two hours for it to 'recharge' fully. It can be cracked again before that, or even during its period of lesser light, to renew its glow but with concomitantly reduced intensity and duration.   Because the light cannot be stopped once the LightRock is active, it is possible to buy lantern boxes for them. This allows the bearer control over how much of the light is allowed to escape the box, and to limit the directions in which it is cast. Such devices tends to be restricted to adventurers, and possession or use of one inside a town tends to be seen as signalling intent to burgle or rob.   The use of LightRocks in place of oil lanterns in and on buildings is a demonstration of wealth. They are usually fixed inside a metal cage attacked to a wall or ceiling, to discourage casual theft. Consequently, the cages come with a door-knocker-like apparatus that can be used to strike and activate them. It is common to mount them in pairs, so one can be used while the other is exhausted.
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