The Duel of Fiannor and Rurik

The Duel of Fiannor and Rurik is one of the greater known myths of The Mortal Interregnum period, describing a duel between the Elven warrior Fiannor, and the Human tribal Chieftan Rurik.


The duel is said to have taken place in the shadow of the ruins of an ancient temple of Harlak situated at Giant's Rest. The cause of the conflict that led to the two warriors meeting in battle is disputed, with differing accounts emerging in written record from a wide array of sources during the Interregrum. What is consistent across the records is the intensity of the battle and the symbolic weight it carried. It is said that Fiannor, clad in glistening armour, wielded a spear and shield, swift and elegant in his movements, his strikes like the wind itself. Rurik, in contrast, fought with a great axe, its shaft said to have been crafted from the wood of a great Ash tree that stood 300 feet tall. His blows were said to be powerful and relentless, each swing a testament to human strength and endurance.   All records avaliable concur that the Duel lasted a full day from sunrise to sunset. The outcome however, remains disputed. Some records suggest Fiannor and Rurik parted with mutual respect, agreeing to a truce that allowed both warriors to retire with honor. Others claim the duel ended only when Rurik, with a final act of defiance, threw his shattered axe at Fiannor, leaving a scar that marked the Elf for the rest of his days. Yet other accounts whisper that both combatants fell simultaneously, neither willing to submit, leaving their aides to carry their bodies from the field.

Historical Basis

The earliest known Elven reference to the duel comes from the "Annals of the House of Vaelion," written in 557 EA. This record depicts Fiannor the Swift as a heroic figure sent by the Elven Council to retrieve a stolen artifact—a sacred relic believed to have been taken by Human raiders from the ruins of Thalashar. The "Annals" emphasize Fiannor's valor and skill, claiming he fought to restore the honor of the Elves and was eventually victorious, although gravely wounded. Another Elven text, the "Songs of Althandel," dated to around 610 EA, embellishes the tale further, portraying Fiannor as nearly divine in his abilities, blessed by the stars themselves. This source also suggests that the duel ended in mutual respect, with Rurik yielding to Fiannor’s superior prowess.   Conversely, Human accounts of the duel, primarily derived from fragmented oral traditions, provide a starkly different perspective. Oral tradition passed down by the ancient human tribes of Northern Novaya, recount Rurik as a stalwart defender of his people, standing against the Elven demand to relinquish what was claimed to be a long-lost Human artifact. In these accounts, the duel is said to have been provoked by an Elven incursion into Human territory, and Rurik's actions are portrayed as an assertion of Human independence and resistance against perceived Elven overreach. Another source, the "Saga of the Plains," transcribed by Elven scholars in 650EA, emphasis Rurik's immense strength and endurance, claiming that he fought Fiannor to a standstill and only relented when both warriors mutually agreed to retire from the field of battle.
Date of First Recording
557 EA
Date of Setting
124 EA