
Varenthia, one of the largest settlements during the Mortal Interregnum, served as a hub of trade, culture, and governance for refugees and survivors of the Mortal Wars. Its strategic location at the mouth of the Bay of Varen enabled it to thrive for centuries, but its prosperity ultimately attracted the attention of the powerful Elven Supremicist States of The Velvet Coast.   The Sacking of Varenthia in approximately 800 EA by the forces of Archon Elandor marked the collapse of the city-state and the definitive end of the Mortal Interregnum. This event is seen as the final act of a period of instability and fragmentation, as Elven powers like Val’Thaloris began consolidating control over human territories. The destruction of Varenthia also symbolized the shifting balance of power in the region, with Elven dominion over key human settlements becoming increasingly common.   The legacy of Varenthia is a tragic one, as it was utterly destroyed in a fit of rage by Archon Elandor. The fierce and prolonged resistance of the Varenthian military defied the Elven Archon's expectations, as well as the contribution of a number of Elven records of the time decrying the moral rot of the City's culture, led to his decision to obliterate the city completely. The once-great city-state was reduced to ruins, leaving little to no trace of its former grandeur.


The majority of the Varenthian population was Human, descendants of the refugees who founded the city after the Mortal Wars. However, the city's strategic location and thriving economy attracted a wide array of other groups, contributing to its multicultural character.   Elves made up a significant minority, particularly in the upper echelons of society, where they were involved in trade, diplomacy, and cultural life. Many Elves resided in Varenthia either as merchants or skilled artisans, contributing to the city’s refinement and artistic traditions.   Additionally, Varenthia hosted a transient population of foreign traders, sailors, and diplomats from distant regions, further enriching its cultural landscape. This blend of races and professions made Varenthia one of the most culturally diverse settlements of the period.


  The government of Varenthia was a mercantile oligarchy, centered around the powerful and wealthy merchant families who have long controlled the city’s political and economic life. The ruling body was known as the Merchants Council, composed of influential individuals from Varenthia’s largest trade guilds, merchant houses, and wealthy families.   At the head of the council was the First Speaker, who acted as the de facto leader of Varenthia. The First Speaker was elected by the council members themselves and served as the city’s primary diplomat and public face with the First Speaker moderating council meetings and leading diplomatic efforts. The First Speaker’s influence was largely determined by their ability to maintain alliances among the merchant houses and manage the competing interests of the city’s elite.   Varenthia’s legal system was overseen by a separate Judiciary Council, which interpreted and enforced the city’s laws. This council was in theory independent of the Council of Merchants and was tasked with ensuring fair treatment under Varenthian law, particularly in matters of trade disputes, contractual law, and criminal offenses. Judges were appointed from respected families and guilds, and they serve for life unless removed by the council for misconduct.

Industry & Trade

Maritime trade was the lifeblood of Varenthia’s economy, making the city a hub for merchants from across the continent. Varenthia's natural harbor allowed it to serve as a crucial port for ships traveling between Jaryanne and the Elven kingdoms of the Velvet Coast. The city's merchant fleets were known for transporting luxury goods like spices, silk, and precious metals, as well as essential commodities such as grain and timber. The city's prominence in maritime trade also extended to the shipbuilding industry, which provided both commercial vessels and military ships for defense and trade expansion.   Varenthia was renowned for its textile industry, producing high-quality fabrics that were highly sought after in the markets of both Elven and Human territories. The city’s artisans were skilled in creating fine silk, linen, and woolen garments, often incorporating intricate patterns and dyes that made Varenthian textiles a luxury export. These fabrics were not only traded locally but also became a symbol of Varenthian craftsmanship across the Velvet Coast. The textile guilds held significant influence within the city and played a key role in its economic stability.   The Thaelorn games, while not an industry in the traditional sense, contributed significantly to the economy through entertainment and associated trade. The arenas attracted thousands of spectators, many of whom were wealthy patrons from other city-states or Elven territories. This influx of visitors drove the demand for lodging, food, and luxury goods. Merchants and vendors thrived on the economic activity surrounding the games, selling everything from souvenirs to fine clothing. The games also generated a significant gambling industry, with bets placed on gladiator outcomes and beast matches, further fueling the economy.   The sex work industry in Varenthia was a socially stratified and economically significant part of the city’s life. Courtesans, both Human and Elven, catered to the wealthy merchants and politicians, offering companionship, influence, and status in Varenthia's elite circles. These courtesans were often involved in high society and wielded subtle power in diplomatic and social affairs. The Thaelorn games added a unique dimension, as wealthy patrons often partook in intimate arrangements with Thaelari, as well as auctioned their company to other wealthy members of Varenthian society. Additionally, pleasure hosues were abundent, especially in the harbor districts, and catered to the city’s transient population of sailors, traders, and laborers.


Founded in the first century of the Elven Age by Karos Varenth, the city was established by Human refugees fleeing the destruction of the former cradle of civilisation in what would later become the Wastes of Harlak. Legend tells that Karos, guided by a vision from the Sea Goddess Mirrath, led his people to the eastern Velvet Coast, where they found a natural harbour and defensible cliffs. Here, Varenth laid the foundation for a city that would become a thriving hub of trade and culture.   In its early years, Varenthia was little more than a coastal fishing village, struggling to survive amidst the chaos left in the wake of the Mortal Wars. Varenth established the city with the help of early alliances with local human coastal tribes, and the settlement soon became a sanctuary for those displaced by the wars.   As the Elven City States of the Velvet Coast began to establish themselves, Varenthia emerged as a neutral ground for traders and diplomats. The early settlers built strong defenses, including the city walls, to protect the city from raiders and wandering bands of beastmen warriors who were abandoned by their patron Gods.   By the third century EA, Varenthia had transformed from a small refugee settlement into a flourishing city-state. Its natural harbor made it a prime hub for maritime trade, and Varenthian merchants began establishing trade routes throughout the Velvet Coast and beyond. Ships from distant lands brought goods such as spices, silk, and rare metals, while Varenthia exported textiles, marble, and crafts. The city's wealth attracted artisans, scholars, and skilled workers, leading to a period of cultural growth.   During this time, the city developed its distinctive mercantile oligarchy system of government, led by a Council of Merchants. Wealthy traders and guild leaders began to wield significant power, shaping the city’s politics and economy. The Council of Merchants became the de facto rulers of Varenthia, with influence based on wealth and trade success rather than noble lineage or military might. This system allowed for a fluid, adaptable government that could respond quickly to shifting trade patterns and political alliances.   Varenthia’s early relations with neighboring Elven and Human states were complex but pragmatic. The city maintained a careful balance of diplomacy and neutrality, using trade as a tool to avoid conflict and cement its position as a central trading hub. Varenthian diplomats negotiated treaties that allowed them to operate within the territories of both Human and Elven realms without interference, ensuring the city’s prosperity.   The sixth century marked the Golden Age of Varenthia, a period of immense prosperity and cultural flourishing. The city-state’s strategic location along key maritime routes made it one of the wealthiest and most influential powers along the Velvet Coast. Its population grew rapidly, as did its influence over surrounding territories. Varenthian merchants became known for their vast fleets, which transported goods between distant lands, enriching the city’s coffers.   The wealth accumulated during this period funded the construction of grand arenas, temples, and public works, including the famous Great Lighthouse of Varenthia. The city also became a cultural beacon, attracting scholars, artists, and philosophers from across the region. Varenthian architecture, marked by its intricate stonework and harmonious blend of Human and Elven design, reached its peak during this era.   During the Golden Age, the Thaelorn games evolved into the grand spectacles they would become known for. These games, originally small-scale combat exhibitions, grew into elaborate events featuring gladiatorial matches between Humans and Elves, as well as deadly battles against beasts captured from the Wastes of Harlak. The games became a symbol of Varenthian culture and wealth, attracting spectators and warriors from across the continent.   Despite its Golden Age, Varenthia’s prosperity ultimately attracted the attention of the increasingly powerful and racially supremacist Elven States along the Velvet Coast. The city's wealth and influence became a point of contention, as the Elven powers sought to assert their dominance over Human settlements. In approximately 800 EA, the forces of Archon Elandor of Val’Thaloris launched a devastating attack on Varenthia, culminating in the Sacking of the city. This event marked the collapse of Varenthia as an independent city-state and the signalled the end of the Mortal Interregnum as the Elven Kingdoms of Halentha and Lorintha achieved hegemony over the North.
Founding Date
1st Century EA
350,000 (Estimated)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)

Articles under Varenthia