
The amphibious grung, or Waungg as their native name is pronounced, of the planet Chult are one of the very few sophont species to have poisonous skin, as well as one of a small number able to breathe in water. They are hexapods, as their two lower limbs fused long ago in their ancestry to double their jumping power. They are well adapted to a partially arboreal lifestyle, and have an extensible pharyngeal jaw that allows them to catch prey at a distance.


Anatomy & Physiology

Grung are vertical bipedal hexapods, with two sets of manipulatory forelimbs and a pair of powerful hindlimbs used for terrestrial locomotion. The tips of their digits are covered in microscopic suction pads to help them grip, cling, and climb. Grung have a lightweight internal skeleton composed of calcium carbonate and collagen, with support filaments of carbon fibre. Their vascular oxygen carriers are haemerythrin, an iron-based protein that turns violet when oxidized, and haemocyanin, a copper-based protein that turns bright blue when oxidized, giving their blood an overall indigo hue. Their skin is soft, moist, and brightly colored, as it is able to secrete toxic mucus.

Perception & Sensory Capabilities


Grung have a single pair of focal binocular slit-pupil eyes, which are able to detect motion, definite shape, spatial orientation, and color ranging from red to ultraviolet.


The grung olfactory sense is quite sensitive, not only because their head has a pair of spiracles that lead to a respiratory-derived olfactory chamber, but also thanks to the chemosensor nerves in their skin.


The grung auditory sense is only moderate but rather specialized, due to their pair of tympani set in the skull just behind the eyes. These tympani are sensitive to frequencies from the lower end of the standard hearing range into the near ultrasound.


Grung are extremely sensitive to tactile input across their entire epidermis, though the effect is most intense in the hands and feet.


Geographic Origin & Distribution

Grung, like their homeworld counterparts the tortles, achieved spaceflight after first contact, and though they have adapted to alien technology well enough, their civilization has very little interstellar reach and most grung prefer to live traditionally. Overall, they are fairly rare to see outside their home star system or one of their few colony systems.

Habitat & Survival Factors

The optimal survival range in a variety of factors for an unequipped grung is rather limited, as they require abundant warmth and moisture to stay healthy. However, these limitations can be easily overcome with technology, thus a properly equipped grung can live almost anywhere in the cosmos.

Civilization & Culture

Ethnicity | Sep 29, 2021
The dominant culture of the grung is that of the competitive and persistent Xi-Teng people, who see the natural world as a constant challenge to be overcome in order to prove themselves worthy of divine favor. Xi-Teng civilization is built on a caste system denoted by coloration, as the different colors of grung produce toxins with varying effects.

Major Organizations

Major Language Groups & Dialects

Culture & Heritage

Common Traditions

Common Taboos

Scientific Name
Ranasimia sapiens (Chultigenids)
Average Height
0.6 m
Average Weight
8 kg
biochemical multicellular
Biochemical base
Respiration compounds
Sophont formclass
vertical bilaterally symmetric hexapod (endoskeletal acaudal)
Sapience type
focal centric
Home system
Tech level


Gravity limit
1.3 G
Pressure range
0.7 to 2.9 atm
Air mix
24% to 70% O2
Temperature range
15 to 35 °C
Radiation limit
0.28 J/kg

Interspecies Relations

Hyperlanes Info

Physical Traits

CON increases by 2 and DEX increases by 2
30 feet

Extra Limbs
You may take two bonus actions during your turn rather than one, so long as they are different actions coming from different sources.
Any creature that touches you with its bare skin on its turn takes a base of 3 poison damage plus 1 point of poison damage for each point of damage they inflict on you. Your own unarmed attacks deal 1d4 poison damage if you strike with an exposed part of your body. You are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition. As an action, you can apply your body’s poison to a melee weapon or up to 3 pieces of ammunition. The poison loses its potency if you do not use it on your next turn. A creature struck by a weapon or piece of ammunition poisoned in this way must make a CON saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your CON modifier or be poisoned until its next turn.
You breathe underwater as normal. You have a swimming speed of 40 feet and gain advantage on swimming-related Athletics rolls. If you fail to immerse yourself in water or a humid environment for at least 1 hour during a day, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion at the end of that day. You can recover from this exhaustion only through a specialized wetsuit or by immersing yourself in water for at least 1 hour.
Standing Leap
Your long jump is up to 25 feet and your high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.

Cultural Traits

Suggested culture: Xi-Teng

WIS increases by 2
CHA increases by 1

Warrior Training
You are proficient in the Athletics skill, light and medium armor, and melee weapons.
Draw Blood
Your weapon deals 1d6 additional damage against hostile foes during the first round of combat.
You are proficient in the Nature skill.


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