Parshath Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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The Parshath are a distinct subrace of the Simorgh, a race known for their unique transformation from humans to beings with multiple arms. Unlike their Simorgh counterparts, the Parshath possess four arms instead of the customary six. This deviation in their physical form sets them apart, granting them a distinct identity and capabilities within their society.   The Parshath retain many of the general characteristics of the Simorgh and humans. They exhibit an upright posture, bipedal locomotion, and retain a humanoid appearance. However, their defining feature is the presence of four arms instead of the traditional two or six. These additional limbs emerge from their torso, positioned in pairs on either side of their body.   The four arms of the Parshath endow them with increased manual dexterity and multitasking abilities. This physical attribute allows them to engage in a variety of tasks simultaneously, such as wielding multiple weapons, manipulating intricate objects, or casting spells. Their extra limbs enhance their overall effectiveness in combat, craftsmanship, and magical pursuits.   Visually, the Parshath's four arms create a distinctive and striking appearance. Their additional appendages may possess the same range of skin tones, eye colors, and hair types found among humans and other Simorgh. Their facial features often reflect the diversity inherent in the human race, displaying a wide spectrum of appearances.   Culturally, the Parshath integrate their unique physical traits into their way of life. They may perceive their four arms as a symbol of their connection to both the Simorgh and the divine, embracing their capabilities as a gift or a sign of their chosen path. The Parshath may adorn their limbs with ornate tattoos, jewelry, or ceremonial markings that highlight their distinctiveness.   The Parshath, like their Simorgh and human counterparts, exhibit a broad range of personalities, beliefs, and occupations. Some may harness the advantages of their four arms to excel in combat, becoming formidable warriors or tacticians. Others may focus on scholarly pursuits, using their enhanced dexterity to study and understand complex concepts or engage in intricate magical practices.   While the Parshath possess a unique physical form, they still embody the core qualities of humanity, including emotions, intellect, and the capacity for empathy. They establish social bonds, form relationships, and contribute to the cultural tapestry of their society. The specific aspects of Parshath culture may vary, but they often value collaboration, personal growth, and the pursuit of knowledge.   The Parshath, with their four arms, stand as a distinct and captivating subrace within the Simorgh lineage. They epitomize the intricate interplay between magic and physical form, showcasing the extraordinary possibilities that emerge from such transformations. Their presence enriches the world, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of existence.
Encompassed species

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