Oros New Life
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New Life



Aasimar make the Dragonborn and Kobolds

The war between light and dark, spanning 777 years, has been a time of great turmoil and bloodshed. The light forces, consisting of dragons, Aasimar, Celestials, Fairies, and Elementals, have united to combat the dark forces led by Bellerophon and his corrupted beings from the shadow realm. In their struggle for dominance, both sides have sought to bolster their ranks with new races. The Aasimar, entrusted with leading the lower plane mortals in the war, began to view themselves as more than mere creations of gods. Their position of power and the worship they received from the lower plane races inflated their sense of entitlement, leading some Aasimar to believe they were gods in their own right. Seeking to solidify this belief, they embarked on a series of experiments involving dragons and their eggs.   After many years of experimentation, the Aasimar finally succeeded in creating a new race derived from the dragons. These beings, known as Dragonborn, possessed qualities inherited from their draconic ancestors. However, not all Dragonborn were born perfect, and some exhibited defects from birth, giving rise to the Kobolds, who became a subrace of the Dragonborn. Both the Dragonborn and Kobolds were added to the ranks of the light forces, but their susceptibility to corruption meant that they were not immune to the darkness that permeated the war.   The inclusion of these new races added complexity to the ongoing conflict. The Dragonborn and Kobolds brought their unique abilities and perspectives to the battlefield, bolstering the light forces but also posing risks due to their potential for corruption. Their involvement in the war would play a significant role in shaping its outcome, as the struggle for dominance between light and dark continued to rage on.

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