Oros The Cataclysm
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The Cataclysm

Disaster / Destruction


The world quakes

The Cataclysm unleashed a relentless onslaught of natural disasters upon the realm, plunging the world into a period of immense turmoil and devastation. The once-warring races and factions were forced to set aside their conflicts and focus on the desperate task of survival. All wars came to a halt as the forces of nature posed a far greater threat than any battle between light and darkness.   The Supercontinent of Primoria, which had been the center of civilization and conflict, began to fracture and split apart. The landmasses shifted and tore away from each other, creating new continents and reshaping the geography of the world. These cataclysmic events resulted in the loss of countless lives and the extinction of numerous races, pushing the realm to the brink of annihilation.   The Cataclysm unleashed a relentless barrage of natural phenomena. Ice ages descended upon the world, covering vast stretches of land in icy tundras and freezing temperatures. At other times, extreme heat periods brought scorching temperatures and barren wastelands, making survival even more challenging for the remaining races.   For a thousand years, the realm endured the relentless wrath of the Cataclysm. During this time, the surviving races struggled to adapt and find ways to endure the harsh conditions. They had to contend not only with the devastating natural disasters but also with the scarcity of resources and the constant need for shelter and sustenance.   The focus shifted from war and conquest to the basic necessities of survival. Cooperation and unity became imperative for the races to withstand the onslaught of the Cataclysm. Over time, new alliances were formed, and races that were once bitter enemies found themselves working together for the sake of their collective survival.   The Cataclysm was a period of immense hardship, loss, and transformation. The world was forever changed, and the scars left by this catastrophic event would be etched into the fabric of the realm for generations to come. As the Cataclysm eventually subsided and the world began to stabilize, the surviving races emerged from the ashes, forever changed by their collective struggle and the indomitable will to survive.

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