Oros Zerato the Killer
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Zerato the Killer

Military: Battle


Zerato goes on a murder spree

During the time of silence, Zerato would take action. He earned the moniker "Zerato the Killer" due to his relentless mission to hunt down and eliminate celestial beings, Aasimars, dragons, and archons. Zerato's brutality knew no bounds, and he showed no mercy as he embarked on his bloody rampage.   Zerato engaged in a merciless killing spree, targeting any celestial, Aasimar, or dragon that crossed his path. His attacks were swift, vicious, and unrelenting. Dozens of Celestial, Azure, Star, and Gold dragons fell under his relentless assault. Thousands of celestials, Aasimars, and other mortal beings met their end at his hands. Zerato's ferocity and power were unmatched, and he left a trail of death and destruction in his wake.   Among his most notable feats, Zerato succeeded in slaying four newly appointed archons. In each battle, he engaged in a brutal fight, showcasing his immense power and skill. Zerato's victims included the Archons Abaddon, Furfur, Deava, and Eligos. The battles against these archons were intense and fierce, culminating in their ultimate demise at the hands of Zerato.   However, during his encounter with Archon Eligos, Zerato faced a formidable opponent. Kaspitell- the Diligent  was present during the battle and managed to seize Zerato's wings, rendering him a wingless demon. Despite this setback, Zerato continued his merciless slaughter, driven by his insatiable thirst for bloodshed and destruction.   Zerato's reign of terror during the time of silence was a testament to his ruthlessness and power. His actions sent shockwaves through the celestial and mortal realms, leaving a legacy of fear and despair. Asophiel's forces reveled in the chaos and carnage wrought by Zerato, further solidifying their grip on the shattered world.

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