Oros The Time of Silence
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The Time of Silence

Political event


The races set out on their own paths

With the absence of strong leadership, the forces of both light and darkness began to splinter and form their own factions. The Orcs, under the new overlord Ratbag the Exalted, established a new orc empire, asserting their independence and seeking to expand their influence. The Dark Fairies , taking advantage of the desolation left in the Fairy Realm, claimed it as their own domain. The Dark Dwarves retreated underground to pursue their mining endeavors and establish their own underground nations, driven by their insatiable greed.   The black dragons, drawn to the past battlefields rich in death and suffering, made those areas their new territories, feeding on the dark energy to enhance their power. The dark elves sought to reclaim lost lands in Kalendra and revive their old kingdom, but internal strife and power struggles among their factions hindered their efforts. The Evolzar, loyal to Bellerophon, remained in the Shadow realm, patiently waiting for their master's return.   Among the forces of light, without Archlord Kristya to unite them, divisions and challenges arose. The lizards, led by Tehenhauin, returned to their homeland and isolated themselves from external affairs. The humans and giants struggled to establish themselves but often found themselves at the mercy of other races. The fairies, under Ib's leadership, sought to reclaim the Fairy Realm from the dark fairies, sparking conflicts between the two factions.   Each dragon species pursued its own path: the celestial, azure, star, and gold dragons remained in service to the celestials and archons, while red dragons retreated to volcanic regions and others sought solace in fire elemental regions. Blue and silver dragons followed a similar path. The Aasimar continued to serve under the Archons, upholding their duty despite the absence of their former leader.   The elves attempted to rebuild Aneria but instead ended up establishing several separate nations, often engaging in conflicts with orcs, dark elves, and other hostile forces. The dwarves, like their dark counterparts, ventured underground to establish their own nations and exploit the mineral resources, leading to clashes with the dark dwarves.   The elemental beings retreated to regions aligned with their respective elements, creating their own domains. They sought to form their own nation and enlisted the aid of dragons corresponding to their element. Additionally, they formed an alliance with humans who had attuned themselves to the elements, giving rise to a new race known as genasi.   Amidst this fractured landscape, Asophiel seized the opportunity to launch attacks against all factions, further destabilizing the already fragile balance of power. The absence of strong leadership and the proliferation of internal conflicts set the stage for a new era of chaos and strife.

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