Ekuneri Commonwealth

The Ekuneri are a humanoid race that share the same quadrant as the Terrans, they were once a subject race to the Karkouri.


Physiology The Ekuneri are slightly built race of humanoids that are somewhat Canine in appearance, appearing to Terrans as if "descended from Foxes". The average male Ekuneri stands about 5'2, with the average female around 5'0.   Ekuneri are known for their bright coloured fur, their thick lustrous tails, which are often adorned with jewelry with coloured metal loops a particular favorite.   Ekuneri females give birth to small litters of 1-4 "pups" who hit maturity at around 13-15 standard years.


The Ekuneri home-world as . A lush green world, the Ekuneri had reached the equivalent of the renaisance and they lived in city-states, with complex trade and diplomatic relations with the other Ekuneri on the planet.   The planet was home to some large land predators and the Ekuneri developed strong walls and armoured transport vehicles to allow Ekuneri travel safely between cities.   The Ekuneri culture is mercantile in nature and hard work and social elevation is a key value to the Ekuneri.   The Ekuneri are somewhat family orienatated as well, with Ekuneri parents often keeping close tabs with their children. Despite the large litter size for Ekuneri families, most Ekuneri parents cannot afford to support more than 4 or 5 children so will stop having new children after that.   Extended families, referred to as "Clans" offer social and political support to other clan members.   The Ekuneri abandoned most types of armed conflict after becoming a Karkouri subject race. Ekuneri society is largely ordered through a complex legal system and strong social hierarchy.  


Subject of the Karkouri

The Karkouri Regime (then the Karkouri Empire) conquered the Ekuneri home-world before they had ever become a star faring power. Initially the Ekuneri were hunted for their pelts and used as domestic servants but their keen intelligence and hard work ethic saw them elevated until they ceased to be slaves and became a subject race. They went on to dominate the Ekuneri civil service and by the 22nd century they were a critical part of the Karkouri Regime   As Ekuneri make poor soldiers, they were generally kept out of the highest rungs of government but they were almost always key advisers and civil servants at all levels.   The Ekuneri had something of a "sibling rivalry" with the Salborians, who offered the brawn.  

The Ekuneri Commonwealth

For centuries, there had been an underground movement for Ekuneri Independence and to create a state of their own. This was done subtly, by hoarding money and equipment but the Ekuneri were waiting for a sign of weakness.   In 2546, several Karkouri worlds went into revolt as the Ekuneri declared their independence. The Karkouri Regime immediately deployed a large task force to put down the rebellion. The Terran, Mor-Du and Rorn Republic all recognize the new Ekuneri state, with the Rorn openly sending military aid to the Ekuneri.   Over the following years, the Karkouri Regime suffers a series of severe military setbacks against the Ekuneri, their Indirian mercenaries and the volunteer Terrans fighting alongside them. The Karkouri Regime Council is seemingly unable to defeat the Ekuneri and they officially found the new Ekuneri Commonwealth in 2549.   In 2552, The newly founded Ekuneri Commonwealth signed up to the CCN Treaty alongside the Terran Republic, the Bl'hud Primacy, Rorn Republic and Mor-Du Republic. Since then, they have been a major client of Terran arms sales, which has allowed them to develop their own military and navy.   Finally, in 2559, when the Terran Republic and the Karkouri Regime agreed to a ceasefire, the terms of the arrangement included the new Karkouri Regime recognizing the Ekuneri Commonwealth and the Salborian State.  


The Ekuneri Commonwealth

The Ekuneri worlds are organized into a commonwealth, with most power devolved to the individual worlds and the national government charged soley with defence, foreign police and regulating trade.   The Ekuneri Commonwealth is led by an Executive Cabinet, which is formed by the election of a Prime Minister to a three year term. They are joined by their own cabinet members, as well as permanent represenatives of each member world.   The legislature is a uni-cameral body, with elections held every three years. Most members of the "Thavitt", known as MT's are drawn from the legal and diplomatic class but there are no formal politicial parties, with most power coming from informal and shifting alliances of Clans.  


  The Ekuneri Commonwealth Navy (EECN) is a permanent professional military. All commonwealth members are expected to contribute to the building and maintenance of the fleet.   The Ekuneri Navy is largely based around purchased Terran hulls and follows a flexible carrier battle doctrine. Ekuneri ships appear to prioritize speed and evasiveness.   The Ekuneri Commonwealth Marine Corps (EEHA) is a small body of professionally trained troops deployed for war or other emergencies. It makes considerable use of powered armour.   The final branch of the military is the Ekuneri National Guard (CEM) which is a reserve force comprised of part-time volunteers from each member world. This a much more numerous force but Commonwealth law means it is difficult to deploy except when the Commonwealth is under direct threat.  

Foreign Relations



  As a member of the defensive alliance called the CCN, the Ekuneri Commonwealth entertains close ties with its members. The Commonwealth is a client nation of all its neighbours for minerals, arms and infrastructure building, as it is still a very new state.  

The Terrans

  Ever since the foundation of the Commonwealth, the Ekuneri has remained very close to the Terrans. They are a major client of arms sales and Terran infrastructure companies, who have allowed their state to build itself up rapidly.

The Salborian State

The Ekuneri Commonwealth entertains a tense relationship with the Salborian State. The warlike Salborians regard the Ekuneri was "weak" but the Ekuneri have been able to keep the Salborians from attacking them so far.

The Karkouri Regime

The Karkouri Regime was at first very hostile to the independent Ekuneri, plotting a quick conquest. However, over time, mutual trade and a lack of aggression saw the relationship thaw.  

The Tranoans

The Ekuneri are on reasonably good terms with the Tranoan Empire, with some low level trade.

The Gannid

The Ekuneri are on good terms with the Gannid Commonwealth, with a fair amount of trade between the two powers.

Cover image: by Destiny - Game


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