
Onyx was a Centre-right Poltical party founded in 2590 suceeding Vishnu Elpis and Valiant Party.  


in early 2590, members of the Vishnu Elpis party including Grover Grumman and Fletcher Navarro have joined Senator Everett Inkerman and Princess Annastacia Valane in Valiant and merged the two groups to create Onyx. According to the press statement:  
Onyx will be a new centre to centre-right party that takes up strong political positions on defene, business, social justice and foreign relations.

Party Platform

  • Pro military defence - Onyx backs strong, consistent defence spending and a rigorous national defence
  • Planet's rights - Onyx believes power should be, where possible, delegated back to the planets and their governors and legislators
  • Pro business - Onyx believes that the Hansa and big business is broadly good for the Terran people. However, they do agree that regulations are needed and they will work with the Hansa to create reforms
  • Law and order - Onyx support the rule of law, tough sentencing and due process.
  • AI rights - Onyx are supportive of AI rights

Carrero Administration

  In 2590 Onyx nominated Governor Mina Carrero for President.  She was later elected President of the Republic.  Her administration took over during a difficult time, having to deal with the foundation of the new Constitution of 2594.   The President was able to forstall the immediate secession of member worlds ith the passing of the Observe & Decide Act which allowed worlds to remain a part of the Republic without ratificaiton until 2610 after which time, if they had not ratified or seceded, then they would be assumed to have ratified.
Founding Date
Political, Faction / Party
Notable Members

Cover image: by Destiny - Game


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