The End of the Federation in Orpheus Gaze | World Anvil

The End of the Federation

This article covers the primary timeline from 2214 to 2240 and is notable for the collapse of the Terran Federation.  

2215-2230- Introspection

2215-President Beckett Browne is re-elected, defeating Federalist Senator Linda Argyll (F) with a decent margin of victory. Meanwhile the well drilled Community Party riding momentum defeat the Federalists and take control of the Senate, albeit as a minority.   The Dhau Empire and the Federation agreed a new long term peace treaty to prevent another war. President Browne is hailed as a hero and wins the Nobel Peace Prize.   2216-President Browne announces his intention to privatize the FCA. The Senate resist this attempt but agree that the body is no longer needed and the FCA is disbanded and closed down. The FSE go on strike, paralyzing the Government. Steffan Kallenberg, the chief lobbyist of the FSE, emerges as a major threat to the Browne Presidency   A series of scandals rock the Democratic-Libertarian Party as they are targeted by a brutal series of smears.   2217-The FAS complete their refit of the fleet, moving the Fleet HQ to Mars along with the Government.   The Tranoan Empire has now finished its repairs after the end of the Dhaugosk War.   Congressman Lisa Montrow (C) is elected Speaker of the House in the Colonial Congress as former Speaker Klay steps down to deal with the allegations from the media.   2218-Tazzyn Emperor Manitaf van Pall dies with no heir. The Tazzyn Empire was paralyzed by this crisis and there is even talk of a civil war. The Galaxy wait to see what will happen.   President Beckett Browne attempts to privatize the EXF but the FSE go on strike again. President Browne clashes fiercely with Senator Adam Kassenbach over the Unions.   The Federation Senate approves a landmark Constitutional amendment that will re clarify each colony as a seperate "block" for the purposes of seeking the Presidency. Some Senators vote against the motion, stating its against what the founders had in mind. Others reject the motion stating it hands too much political power to the colonies. The amendment, brought forward by Senator Michael Heller (C) and co-sponsored by Senator Lucan Jerome (F) passes the Senate and is signed into law.   2219-Prince Mafray van Pall was enthroned as the Tazzyn Emperor. The Tazzyn Empire settles down and the new Emperor begins exerting his authority.   Congressman Andreas Klay is elected to the post of Speaker of the House again as the Democratic-Libertarians once again become the Majority Party in the Colonial Congress.   President Beckett Browne announces he will not seek a 3rd term as President. He endorses Vice President Takahashi Shinzaemon who sweeps the Community Party field with ease. The Federalist Party have a fierce and vibrant primary and Senator John Kassenbach wins the contest. The Democrat-Libertarian Party nominate Speaker of the House Andreas Klay.   Ventriss UDC completed a 40% takeover and investment into Darwin, creating Darwin-Asajji. The Senate agree a new set of stricter rules on corporate finance which are decried as anti-innovation.   2220-Senator John Kassenbach wins the Presidency for the Federalist Party in a very close election. Meanwhile the Community Party strengthen their grip on the Senate. President Kassenbach names his brother, Senator Adam Kassenbach as chief of staff.   Indirian Mayor Astivar is elected Governor of St Lawrence on the Federalist Ticket. He becomes the first Indirian to be elected to major office   The Karkouri Regime begins very aggressive trade practices against the Federation and its allies, starting another "trade war".   2221-President Kassenbach works on a new and major welfare reform that spreads the same wellfare state on the coreworlds out to the colonies. Speaker of the House Klay is successful in his attempts to make sure this is totally funded by the Federation   The FAS unveils the "Lankveil" experimental ship, a joint FAS and TSA project with a projected jump range of around 18 LY. The Lankveil makes a 17.2 LY jump in October of 2221.   2222-Senator Serafina Valken (D) authors a major reform bill in the Senate Judiciary committee which goes to the floor in 2222. The bill intended to change the Senate by reducing its numbers, replacing one third of the Senate with "non-voting delegates". It would also mean the Presidency would be "non-partisan". Senator Valken's bill, co-sponsored by Senator Ryu Koga, was seen as "unconstitutional" and defeated. Senator Valken called for a constitutional reform and an amendment to the constitution. This too was voted down.   The SLA (Separatist Libertarian Army) blow up a marine training base on Stark and kill sixteen marines. The TSA launch "Operation Scimitar" to try and shut them down   2223-Operation Scimitar concludes a major sweeping operation on Eden, killing fifteen insurgents and capturing another forty. The SLA counter-attack with a series of bombings on Vanhiem and Furnace that kill about ten people.   The Senate rejects a major reform bill that would strip more power from the Presidency and the Senate. The reform bill begins with the Democratic-Libertarians but also gains some support from back-bench Community Party Senators.   The Galactic Council agree an economic framework that brings the Bl'Hud Republic, the Rorn Federation, the Gannid Commonwealth, the Vatu Empire and the Tranoan Empire together to form a common economic policy. The Gannid are successful in their attempt to exact a steep tarrif on the Federation and the Rorn. The Tranoans exert an increasing amount of influence on the Council   2224-A new terrorist group known as "OMDA" strike on St Lawrence. They kill six Ventriss corporate mercenaries and three rangers. The Marines involved in the TAS strike back and kill a dozen militia   A possible trade deal between the Tranoan Empire and Darwin-Asajji falls apart.   Senator Valken brings forward another attempt to alter the constitution but she is defeated again. Many believe this was politically motivated.   IronWorks suffers a severe downturn in its fortunes and announces major lay offs   Senator Michael Heller sweeps the field to win the Community Party nomination for the 2225 Presidential election.   2225-President Kassenbach announces his intention to seek a 2nd term. He defeats the Community Party nominee Senator Michael Heller of Australia in a close election and wins a second term.   The TSA announces Operation "Narrow-Sea" to try and reduce Separatist terrorist groups. They kill more than forty five militants   Bradbury-Pyramid announced the competition of a test model advanced AI mecha known as the Quintius Series. The TSA and the ONI investigate this mecha   A Federation diplomat is arrested in the Tazzyn Empire under suspicion of spying for the Federation. The Federation disavows him and he is returned in disgrace.   2226-President Kassenbach is defeated by the Senate in his attempts to expand the welfare administration.   Governor Astivar is wounded in a shooting on St Lawrence.   The Federation agrees to a common trade policy with the Gannid Commonwealth in order to compete with the Karkouri Regime.   2227-The Galactic Council agree a new set of major deals that will see tech-goods exchange between the signatory members.   The Democratic-Libertarian Party disrupt attempts by President Kassenbach's attempt to expand the administration of the Health Services. President Kassenbach criticizes their "shrillness". Meanwhile the radical Earth-Guard Senators filibusters several bills in the Senate until Exec Chairman Lyon Hinds is forced to make a deal with them , just to get business moving in the Senate again   There is skirmishing on the Dhaugosk Border. President Kassenbach deploys the Federation 2nd Fleet to patrol the border.   The Federation is stunned by the revalation that two recent FIS assets were double agents reporting back to the Tazzyn Empire. The FIS is forced to break down an entire bureau. FIS Director Llewellen Pace resigns under a cloud.   OMDA bomb a FAS tug in drydock near Mars, killing sixteen crew and putting the ship in dry-dock for four months.   2228-Exec Chairman Lyon Hinds (C) steps down, citing exhaustion but most pundits believe this is to seek the Community Party nomination. Veteran Senator Michael Heller is named new Exec Chairman   President Kassenbach announces his intention to briefly nationalize the IronWorks owned shipyards. IronWorks resist the bid and Attorney General Lucas Wellenberg gives a landmark legal opinion on the shipyards. IronWorks lobbyist Deval Asivitra works around the clock to try and block the attempt and to challenge the primacy of the Federation. Senator Daniel Redding (D) accuses IronWorks of trying to crack the Federation wide open   The Tazzyn Empire begins buying up surplus materials that the Federation needs and begins exerting trade-pressure on the Federation. This opens up the trade war onto another front.   Operation "Narrow-Sea" concludes with more than 250 militants dead and another 1,000 arrested. The SLA announce that they still exist.   Speaker of the House Andreas Klay announces the expansion of the Colonial Congress to reflect membership. The Speaker and the President clash repeatedly   2229-President Kassenbach follows convention and does not seek a third term. He endorses Vice President Gregory Estevez as his successor and Estevez clinches the Federalist nomination. Former Executive Chairman Senator Lyon Hinds (C) wins the Community Party nomination.   IronWorks appeal the decision on the seizing of their shipyards to the Supreme Court. An initial obiter dicta from the Court of Appeals appears to rule in favour of the corporations   The SLA fight a series of skirmishes on Eden, New Silesia and Vanhiem. Around two hundred people die in various small scale battles.   There are reports of fighting in Tazzyn Space.   2230-Senator Lyon Hinds defeats Vice President Estevez to be elected President of the Federation. The growing power of the Democratic-Libertarian Party is felt as new Exec Chairman Michael Heller is forced to form hand some chairmanships to the Democratic-Libertarian Party to avoid senate shutdowns. The Earth-Guard, in protest of being closed out once again, filibuster the opening session of the Senate which is derided by the President.   A Federation courier is stolen and jumps into Tazzyn space. The Tazzyn Empire claim to know nothing about it. The FIS publish a list of recent attempts by the Tazzyn Empire to damage the Federation. Newly elected President Hinds directs the ONI and the FIS to begin operations to push back against the Tazzyn Empire  

2231-2238 Cracks In The Federation

2231-The Federation supreme court makes a landmark ruling in Ruger v Garland that the Presidency lacks the constitutional authority to nationalize industry under National Security. President Hinds agrees to obey the decision but Senator Anatoly Lyanov (F) protests the decision, stating that it will badly damage the authority of the Federation and the Presidency in the face of the Corporations.   OMDA destroy a fast patrol ship off the shore of Van Allen's world. The FAS respond with a marine deployment in the system and there are a series of skirmishes. Operation Tintagel sees an entire Marine brigade deployed to the Frontier and begin sweep operations looking for OMDA bases. The ONI has intelligence command over the operation. The Colonial Congress denounce the move as an overreaction.   2232-A large scale TSA and FAS deployment into the frontier causes a huge political storm as the Colonial Congress denounce the move as Federalism run amok. President Hinds attempts to broker a solution, stating that the marine and TSA deployments are nothing to do with the Colonial Congress. Speaker Klay accepts the olive branch from the President but takes a public victory lap   Earth-Guard Senators protest as what they see as the President climbing down over national security   An ONI agent is murdered and his intelligence is stolen. The ONI puts the blame on Tazzyn Agents.   2233-The Governor of New Berlin refuses to admit Federation civil service to do an inspection on New Berlin. The Colonial Congress attempts to broker a solution but President Hinds is forced to act this time, insisting that the Governor admit the civil servants to the planet. In the end Governor van Thomas resigns in protest.   The Servitius Nine Mecha is released to the general public. This incredibly advanced mecha is too expensive for the average citizen but they start to become the must have toy for the utlra-wealthy. TSA are wary of the reasoning and learning abilities of the Servitius Nine, believing that it is an offshoot of the Quintius Mecha   2234-A massive political crisis breaks on Earth over the authority of the President, the Presidency and the Federation. IronWorks refuses to admit subpoenas to its offices, claiming that the Federation doest have authority to its books based on the judgement in Ruger v Garland. The Attorney General makes an argument that this is an exception to the judgement but IronWorks CEO Emily Tarrant stands by it and refuses admittance.   Meanwhile the Earth-Guard Senators repeatedly filibuster legislation, calling on President Hinds to deal with the separatists once and for all. When Exec Chairman Heller fails to make a compromise with them, they leave the floor. The Democratic-Libertarian Party follow this up with a call for a vote of no confidence in the President and the Exec Chairman. The Federalist Party splits on the vote but President Hinds narrowly survives a vote of no confidence.   On the eve of primary season the political landscape is incredibly turbulent and some sources are calling for the election to be delayed. President Hinds rules that out and insists that there will be a Presidential election in 2235. However President Hinds shocks the political establishment by announcing that he will not seek a second term. Vice President Hua Jin wins the Community Party nomination in a muted primary contest.   Meanwhile Senator Anatoly Lyanov (F) wins the Federalist nomination in an intense and exciting primary for the Federalists. However the Democratic-Libertarian's poll numbers surge and Senator Shane Walker (D) wins the Democratic-Libertarian nomination. Going into 2235, Senator Walker is the front-runner for the Presidency   2235-Democratic-Libertarian Senator Shane Walker from the Eden Colony is elected President in a complex and contentious election. There is even a recount which slows the Federation to a near crawl. Presidetn Walker takes office after over a month of legal wranglings. Meanwhile Senator Emma Breen (F) is named new Executive Chairman, leading a coalition of Federalist and Democratic-Libertarian Senators.   President Walker meets with the Colonial Congress, working with Speaker Klay to see if they can find a way past the secession crisis   The Servitius Nine Series is subject to a "soft ban" where no new models will be built or sold until the Federation has had a chance to examine them.   2236-The New Berlin conference takes place as President Walker, Senator Teddy Lucianno (F) and Speaker of the House Andreas Klay (D) try to find a way to fix the breech between the Federation and the Separatists. Representatives of the UFS, the political wing of OMDA take part in the talks but the SLA are frozen out completely. After months of ardous talks, a deal is brokered that will allow a full referendum on the Federation constitution, as well as a referendum on each colonial world as to its future membership. A negotiated withdrawal policy is the most radical part of the New Berlin Treaty.   On Earth the reactions are of shock and in some cases, outrage. President Walker is derided by some radical Senators for ostensibly breaking up the Federation. Earth-Guard Senators call for a vote of no confidence which is narrowly rejected. They attempt to paralyze the Senate instead with filibusters but Exec Chairman Emma Breen stops them with cloture motions.   The Corporations flex their muscles in the face of a weak President by setting forward a full buy out on the small colonial world of "Grails World." The Supreme Court is asked to review the decision.   2237-Foreign Minister Senator Teddy Lucianno (F) attened the New Berlin conference along with Speaker of the House Klay (D) and several other major leaders within the Colonial Community. After months of exhaustive, pain staking debate, a framework for a new state of affairs between the Colonies and the rest of the Federation had been agreed. Representatives of the Union De Muncial Systema (UMS) met with the Delegates. They spoke for OMDA (though SLA was kept away). An agreement was agreed, in principal by November of 2237.   Meanwhile back on Earth, radical Senators opposed to the measures being agreed were "a surrender to the separatists". Several Earth-Guard Senators attempted to impeach Senator Lucianno and President Walker. These measures are rejected but are seen as a sign of the growing hatred within the Senate.   The supreme court rejects the corporations attempts to drive a legislative or legal stake into the heart of the Federation. In a split decision, the judgement in Halleck v Neuwarth strikes the down the notion that the corporations can simply buy a colony world from the Federation.   2238-The New Berlin agreement is made and President Walker signs off on it. The Colonies will be granted individual referendums on their continuing status as part of the Federation and their legal status would then be moved to a state of transition where they would be first considered a protectorate and then eventually be granted full independence. OMDA agrees to the conditions and prepares to disarm but the SLA denounce the move as "a half measure". Meanwhile the Senate rejects the treaty. Executive Chairman Emma Breen attempts to force the bill through but the Federalist Party splits over it, ending the coalition.   The President puts the treaty into law by executive order. In retaliation, Earth-Guard Senators attempt to force a vote of no confidence on the Presidency which is only narrowly rejected. President Walker's treaty remains legally binding but will undergo judicial review.   FAS chief of staff Rainer Morrow warns that the Federation is now at breaking point and could disintegrate without strong leadership. He tenders his resignation after making this open warning to the President.  

2239-2240 The Breaking Point

2239-The Senate is paralyzed by filibusters from the Earth-Guard Senators in protest of the President "handing the Federation to the rebels". New Executive Chairman Michael Heller cannot make a successful cloture motion to break the filibuster as he cannot find enough support the Federalist Senators. A terrible split in the Federalist Party paralyses them and further weakens the Senate.   President Walkers executive order is dragged through a supreme court review. The Senate Judiciary chairman, Senator Harland Vickers (C) begins a series of hearings on the legality of such an action which further undermines the Presidency and the Executive branch.   The SLA assassinate two TSA agents and then ambush a marine patrol. A series of ferocious skirmishes break out between the marines and the SLA's militias. There is fighting all over the Northern frontier. OMDA announce that they will not fully disarm until the Supreme court ratifies the treaty decision.   President Walker announces that he will seek a second term but there is some concern within the Democratic-Libertarian Party that he's un-electable now. Vice President Turner is considered a more electable figure within the Party.   The Federalist Party rally around moderate Senator Said Sarifou of Egypt. A divided Federalist Party is able to reform as a cohesive political unit after over a year of intercine feuding. The Community Party nominate Senator Gordon Ikafu as their nominee. The conventions are generally fairly muted affairs but there is an air of almost fanatical hatred from the Earth-Guard at their nominating convention. There is a ground-swell of support, ignorant of the media, towards the Earth-Guard. The 2240 Presidential election threatens to be the most divisive Presidential election in history   2240-During the 2240 Presidential Election there is a sudden and well organised coup. The Presidential Guard division turns on the President and he is captured and placed under "house arrest". The "Admirals" at the heart of the coup disband the Federation, suspend the Supreme Court and end the constitution. The Senate is also suspended. A state of emergency is declared and martial law is also declared. The Federation is then rocked by the emergence of two "successor states": The Independent Systems Alliance (ISA) and the Confederacy.   The ISA elect former Federalist Senator Piotr Kimov as their Prime Minister. Speaker of the House Andreas Klay remains in his role.   Confederacy Chancellor Scott Reynolds attempts to negotiate a settlement with the ISA but no agreement can be made. The Confederacy declares war on the ISA and begins an invasion, sparking the Terran Civil War. Admiral Carilse's task force attack the Ross 159 system in an attempt to decapitate the ISA in one stroke. 50,00 marines land on St Lawrence and the planet sees ceaseless skirmishing and murders.   On Earth there are widespread sparks from left-wing Unions. The Military react with force and the economy suffers. Ventriss UDC close its Earth and Mars based offices, halving themselves overnight. IronWorks are all but nationalized.   see the Successor States


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