Walt Schilling

Walter "Walt" Schilling was a major political figure in the early 27th century. He was the 13th President of the The Terran Republic .  

Early Life

Born in 2545 on Whitworth, Walter, generally known to friends and family as "Walt" was raised in a lower middle class family in Cactus Pass, a small town on the planet of Whitworth .   Walt's father worked in a factory and his mother was a high school teacher. Both were firmly Union members and championed progressive politics.   Walt attended the public high school system where he got solid grades. He went to college in New Denver, attending the New Denver Technical College, where he studied Engineering. According to college transcripts, he was a so-so student.   Walt was active in college politics, taking part in several Student Union societies. He also volunteered in SDP campaigns.   Walt graduated in the middle of his class. He then surprised his friends and family by enlisting in the Republic Marine Corps.   Walt met Susanne Keller whilst he was a marine officer serving on New Berlin. She was a journalist and the two hit it off, marrying a year later. They have three children:
  • Caspar Schilling (B 2575)
  • Madoline "Maddie" Schilling (B 2580)
  • Noah Schilling (B 2585)

Marine Officer

Walt attended Marine Corps academy on Whitworth, until the 2nd half of his year when he was transferred to the training base on New Berlin.   Walt was popular in his class and often chosen to represent them to the NCOs and speak for the group. He graduated somewhere in the middle of his academy class, at the rank of 2nd Lieutenant.   His first assignment was as a staff officer at the supply depot on New Berlin, which was not seen as a very prestigous assignment. He spent two years there, earning a promotion to the rank of 1st Lieutenant.   In 2570 he was transferred to Al Ahily to help build defences there. He was assigned as a platoon commander in the 244th Engineering Regiment, helping to build trenches and fortifactions.   In 2572 he took part in the fighting on Al Ahily as a part of Operation Crusader. In 2573 he was transferred off-world to Mars where he was to take part in the creation of fortifactions there. He was assigned to the 4th Marine Corps HQ as an engineering officer and liaison.   He was promoted to Captain in 2575 and took part in the defence of Mars, though largely as a staff officer working in engineering and logistics.   When the war ended, Captain Walt Schilling mustered out of service, though he remained a reservist for ten years, achieving the rank of Major.


After completing his marine Corps career, he returned to Whitworth and got involved in local politics, as well as working for the Whitworth Colonial Government as a planning officer.   He was courted to run for office in 2580 as a member of the SDP. Initially, he declined to seek office but changed his mind and was elected to the Colonial Legsialture in 2580 as a member of the SDP. He worked, part time, as a tutor and personal coach to supplement his income.   Seen as a rising star within the SDP, he was courted in 2585 to run for Governor in five years. He began to build up his media profile, with big speeches and the SDP leadership began to get him more and more profile.   He clinched the SDP nomination for Governor in 2590, where he was seen as the clear favorite. He won the governorship in a closer than expected election.  

Governor of Whitworth

Walt Schilling was sworn in as Governor of Whitworth on June 3 of 2590. He named longtime friend, Ecton Perez, as his chief of staff. He reached across the aisle to form a broad based cabinet, though later on he built a much more left leaning cabinet.   As Governor, he championed a massive increase in social welfare on Whitworth. He increased the minimum wage to sixteen adjusted dollars per hour, increased maternity pay and increased access to schools.   He also had to deal with a crime wave, as gang violence escalated on the planet. He agreed to a major increase in the police budget but also set up drug treatment and outreach centres, as well as agreeing to work furlough programs for non violent prisoners. Recidivism dropped by 25% during this period on Whitworth.   It didn't all go his way though, as a masssive change in tax law was defeated after Moderate members of the SDP defected to vote with opposition parties. He also saw an expansion in protections for teacher tenure watered down to the point of irrelevance.   His administration was also dogged with connections to the Unions, as critics alleged that he had appointed union "cronies" to senior posts.   As the end of his first term approached, Governor Schilling's name was mentioned more and more often as a potential candidate for President on the SDP ticket. He formed an explortory group and recruited a campaign staff going into 2600.  

2600 SDP Convention

Governor Schilling emerged as the favorite of the progressive wing of the SDP at the convention, facing the more moderate Governor Wilhelm Goetze, who had long been seen as the establishment choice. However, the clashes between the Volks-Frei and Bundeschutzen on New Berlin had badly undermined the popularity of Governor Goetze.   At the 2600 convention, 1st ballot, only Schilling, Goetze and Rep Marse Winningham won a signifiant number of delegates. Going into the second ballot, most people felt that Governor Schilling had the inside track. On the 2nd ballot, he moved ahead but still hadn't enough support to secure the party nomination.   Before the 3rd ballot, Rep Marse Winningham attempted to broker a deal but this was rebuffed and Governor Schilling finally secured the SDP nomination.   He made the surprise choice to name former Secretary of the Interior Sevoy Panikkar, who had only recenbtly formally joined the SDP, as his running mate.   Most polls showed the Schilling / Panikkar ticket as the front runner with support of around 20-21% of the Republic's voter base.  

2600 Presidential Campaign

Governor Schilling and the SDP were the front-runners for the entire 2600 campaign, with a focused and disciplined campaign. Whilst Governor Schlling was a clear progressive, the party set out a balanced campaign and a major effort was made to bring prominent moderate Willard Ford, who had been running mate to Vice President Branwyne Swayne, into the campaign.   Governor Schilling faced some attacks during the campaign, with an attack advert focusinbg on his time as a marine largely being "in the rear area and non combatant." There was also allegations of Union cronyism. However, few of the attacks really stuck.   The SDP formed a joint list with Gurava and this made it seem even more likely that the SDP would win. The debates were not the Governor's finest hour, as he struggled to get points across and played a much too cautious game and was often left with little to say.   Surging support for Payden Hickock (GUR) and Governor Reighley Warran (ISO) chipped into the SDP lead but in the end, he came top of the 1st ballot.   He was given strong endorsements immediately by Gurava and then by Pacifica too. The equivication of the RCP and Onyx, who did eventually endorse Governor Warran, lead to a landslide win in the 2nd ballot and Governor Schilling was elected President of the Republic on May 30 2600.  

President of the Republic

President Walt Schilling was sworn in as President of the Republic on June 1 2600. He gave his oath of office to Justice Dopinder Vaur.   President Schilling named longtime ally and former Chief of Staff as Governor, Albert Benning, as his chief of staff. Benning assembled a strong top flight staff, including Mathie Santangelo, who had been campaign manager for the SDP in 2600.   The President brought the RCP, Gurava and then Fortress into his cabinet. The approach for Fortress raised some eyebrows as they had endorsed the Isolationist Party in 2600.   President Schilling also made history by appointing Sapperstein 227 to the cabinet. He became the first AI to ever serve in a Presidential cabinet.   Senior Staff
  • Chief of Staff to the President - Albert Benning (SDP)
  • Deputy Chief of Staff - Jailee Spacek (SDP)
  • Senior Counsel - Mathie Santangelo (SDP)
  • Communications Director - Lucy Knowles (SDP)
  • National Security Adviser - Annasayra (SDP)
  • Press Secretary - Duckett Beshear (SDP)
  • Legal Counsel - Russel Westcarr-Holmes (SDP)

1st Schilling Cabinet

  • Vice President - Sevoy Panikkar (SDP)
  • Attorney General -Suresh Da Silva (GUR)
  • Secretary of Defence -Smith Haskins (RCP)
  • Foreign Secretary - Clarke Hooper (SDP)
  • Treasury Secretary-Willard Ford (SDP)
  • Interior Secretary -Dr Grogan Westfield (GUR)
  • Intelligence Secretary -August Solarin (IND)
  • Education & Skills Secretary - Nora Cates (RCP)
  • Trade & Transport Secretary -Tyson Minar (FOR)
  • Colonisation & Development Secretary -Sapperstein 227 (SDP)

Dhau Conflict

Almost as soon as the new administration had taken over, they faced a growing border crisis as the Dhau postured to take back Vodhyna from the Republic.   The Schilling administration deployed a task force to defend the system but when the Dhau fleet invaded, they were unable to hold back the much larger and more powerful Dhau fleet and after two weeks, the planet had fallen to the Dhau invasion force.   A diplomatic blitz was made by the foreign secretary but the Tazzyn Empire, distracted by issues over the recent succession were unwilling to intervene. The Tranoan Empire also refused to intervene, encouraging peace talks.   Howver, a new bilateral agreement was made with the Gannid Commonwealth, who later deployed a fleet to back up the Terrans and their CCN Allies.   There was fighting over the next three years as reserves were callled up and a war-time budget was approved, with full agreement from the General Assembly.   However, the Dhau remained fortified at Vodhyna and the Navy was not willing to risk a frontal attack, after RepInt warned that the fleet would be walking into an ambush.   As of 2605, the war was still ongoing.  

Domestic Issues

The Schilling administration saw much of its domestic agenda derailed by the war. They were able to scrap the tax cuts introduced by Presidetn Mina Carrero and to redirect funds, including purchasing a vaccine for SNO11 and introducing new middle-class eax cuts and education tax breaks.   The Republic's economy, which had been in doldrums, made something of a recovery, driven by the war-time economy.   The administration faced sharp criticism from the right for a percieved lack of transparency and there was even talk of a possible impeachment attempt over the apparent lack of action against the Dhau fleet in Vodhyna.  

Oversight Committee Hearing

In 2605, the Senate Oversight Committee voted to begin hearings on the conduct of the Foreign Office during the Dhau War. They called junior staff, members of the diplomatic corps and eventually the Deputy Foreign Minister. They also called Clarke Hooper (SDP), who admitted to culpabiility for failings by the Foreign Office.   The Committee then called up the President's senior staff in what was thought to be an attempt to "splash" the President. This culminated in Albert Benning, the President's chief of staff, admitting that he had also failed to make sure the President was fully up to speed and that these failings had contributed to the actions of the Foreign Office.   The Senate Oversighte Committee confirmed its findings in June of 2605, which were damning for the President and his administration.  
It is the findings of the committee that the Government has failed to conduct its foreign policy with sufficient vigour and diligence. Opportunities to forestall or prevent the war were missed and the narrative of the war has been spun in a way that severely disadvantages the Republic against our most direct threat, the Dhau Empire. Whilst Secretary Hooper is a very experienced diplomat, his handling of the foreign office showed a marked lack of operational grip and strategic thinking.   Chief of Staff Albert Benning has also failed to keep the President fully up to speed in the conduct of the Foreign office, a critical duty for a Chief of Staff.   Finally, President Walt Schilling has failed to offer the sort of strategic leadership expected of a President during such a crisis. This is a major failing in wartime.   Therefore the committee recommends the following:   Secretary Clarke Hooper (SDP) resign immediately as Foreign Secretary and be disqualified for 20 years from government office. Chief of Staff Albert Benning (SDP) resign immediately and be disqualified for 10 years from government office. A formal censure be entered into the record for the failings of President Walt Schilling.   This matter will be put to the full senate for a vote. All evidence is available for their consideration."
Findings of Senate Oversight Chair Daisuke Kanzano (ONX)   The findings were referred to a full vote of the senate and passed with 50-19 and 4 absentions. The President was therefore formally censured by the Republic's Senate and Foreign Secretary Hooper and Chief of Staff Benning forced to resign.  

Mid-Term Reshuffle

In June of 2605 the President recieved the resignations of the cabinet, as per tradition.  Albert Benning, the President's Chief of Staff, was disqualified from office due to the ruling of the Senate oversight committee, so Mathie Santangelo was bumped up to Chief of Staff.  She was expected to be "much firmer" as Chief of Staff.   Senior Staff
  • Chief of Staff to the President - Mathie Santangelo (SDP)
  • Deputy Chief of Staff - Roony Walqvist (SDP)
  • Senior Counsel - Pierce McDonagh (SDP)
  • Senior Counsel - Stefanie Lucas (IND)
  • Communications Director - Lucy Knowles (SDP)
  • National Security Adviser - Annasayra (SDP)
  • Press Secretary - Leigh Theilman (SDP)
  • Legal Counsel - Barton Greer (SDP)

2nd Schilling Cabinet

  • Vice President - Sevoy Panikkar (SDP)
  • Attorney General -Jaece Mahavara (SPD)
  • Secretary of Defence -Dr Catherine Canterbury (RCP)
  • Foreign Secretary - Dr Grogan Westfield (GUR)
  • Treasury Secretary-Willard Ford (SDP)
  • Interior Secretary -Mathilda Tremont (GUR)
  • Intelligence Secretary -August Solarin (IND)
  • Education & Skills Secretary - Dr Milton Hendrie (SDP)
  • Trade & Transport Secretary -Tyson Minar (FOR)
  • Colonisation & Development Secretary  - Roselle 2321 (RCP)
Year of Birth
2545 60 Years old
Aligned Organization


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