Etiquette of the Courts in Orr | World Anvil
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Etiquette of the Courts

In dealings with the illustrious courts of the Feywild there are a number of rules of etiquette which must be upheld, lest a mortal lose their freedom, their life, or suffer a worse fate at the whims of the Elladrin.



...Say "Thank You" or "Sorry"

This implies to the Fae that you are indebted to them for their service, their gifts, or their assistance, and they will call upon you to settle that debt either directly or with the Law of Surprise. It is recommended that if you must acknowledge the assistance of a Fae that you compliment the way in which they addressed a problem, or the gift in question.  

...Give them your real name or ask for theirs

Countless legends and folktales warn of giving the Fae your true name or asking for their own. True names hold sway and power over others and once given the Fae may use this knowledge to enchant, beguile, or simply to torment you. It also is considered a rite a familiarity and intimacy between the Elladrin to ask of true names (in some cases it may even serve as a proposal of marriage as it is an invititation to "know one another"). Once given, the power that a true name grants to the Fae can never be revoked unless specifically bargained for.  

...Accept food, drinks, or gifts

The food and drink of the Faewilds is not meant for mortal appetites, and imbibing it can forever tie you to their domains. Some mortals who have eaten of Faerie food or drank of Fae wine have been unable to eat mortal food forever after, causing them to be trapped in the Faewild or risk thirst and starvation, while others have lost their memories or even their minds. Gifts are also to never be accepted from the Fae as this implies a debt is owed and they will expect a gift of equal or greater value in return.  


The Fae are especially sensitive creatures and perceive in many ways that mortals cannot comprehend. Their feelings and sense of dignity and respect is often times at odd with mortal sensibilities due to this. While there is nothing that prevents a Fae from lying or a mortal from lying to them, if a Fae discovers that you have been untrue in your words or dealings the consequences for even a minor infraction can be quite dire (even deadly) depending on the nature of the lie. The Fae do, however, take a kind of joy and some cases may even respect a mortal who can carefully maneuver through the snares and pitfalls of their pointed games of wordplay.  

...Dance or perform for their entertainment

This is seen as a sign of submission to the Fae. Servants, jesters and those simply of lower station in the hierarchy of the courts are made to dance, perform, sing, and generally entertain their betters. Historically this is how many mortals have met the tragic fate of dancing their lives away. If you are asked to perform for the Fae, be cautious.  

...Brag or boast

Bragging or boasting of your talents, or of wealth you possess is considered an open challenge to the Fae and they may draw you into literal contests to rob you of them, or conspire to separate you from it if they feel slighted. Be humble during your encounters with the fair folk.  

...Step into a Faerie Circle

A Faerie circle is a circle of toadstools or stones usually found where a tree once grew. These circles are powerful conduits connected to the Faewild and often serve as the point where portals and gateways to the faerie realm open. Those who enter them unwittingly or not have sometimes been whisked away to the Faewilds and the return back is almost always costly, either in debts made or time lost.    



...Be polite

No matter how cruel their intentions, or disgusting their methods may be at heart it is important to always be polite to the Fae. A harsh word, a raised voice, a single sniping insinuation or curt turn of phrase could make you the enemy of a truly vindictive immortal. Likewise it is important to always use their proper titles, and address them with the utmost respect (while being cautious of untoward flattery).  

...Repay your debts

In the unfortunate event that you have become indebted to the Fae you should always repay that debt, preferrably as quickly as possible and without incurring more debts. Once you have become a servant to the designs of the courts it can become a losing battle to escape their grasp. Completing one favor often requires more debts be made and thus paid so that those ensnared by the Fae spend their lives caught in their webs. Failure to pay a debt can lead to disasterous consequences to your friends and loved ones who will suffer the ire of the Fae on your behalf. A debt to the Fae is not yours alone, it is a debt to all those whose hearts yours touches.  

...Be mindful of your words

The Fae are fickle beings who will turn your words against you and perhaps more importantly keep their ears keen to words said against them. Even if you believe you are outside their range, it is unwise to speak ill of the Fae for they have servants among the small animals, the plants, and pix who travel unseen.
"A Year And A Day" this is the debt of the Hedgeknight, but it is a gilded lie for the Fae can find ways to make the time stretch for as long as needed. A year in the mortal plane may be five-hundred in the Faewilds, and likewise the Elladrin may only count the time of actual service in their employ (not rest, nor times left idle awaiting command).


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