Sylbannon Settlement in Orr | World Anvil
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In the northwestern pocket of the Dawn Realm, at the end of the Angel's Ribbon, nestled in the dales of a small mountain range known as the Chipped Pauldrons, lies the peaceful town of Sylbannon. Flocked by deep, green forests full of sunlit pools, colorful quilted lawns of farmland, and a myriad of small lakes, and babbling brooks; This idyllic haven is the home of many Halflings, Gnomes, and even a few Goblins. It is a small place, where small folk take refuge.   Sometimes called "Oakhurst", Sylbannon is a quiet town, often overlooked, even in the midst of the most turbulent times. The Halflings of this city are known to be quite brave, and adventurous. Perhaps it is the somewhat calm, and laxidasic life that is lead here, or perhaps farming breeds a better stock of hero, but many families have set off from Sylbannon to earn their fame, and fortune in the greater realms; Returning only in their winter years long after their luck has finally settled.  

Life on the Cherubhooks

  The Cherubhooks are the branches of the many streams and waterways which snake and knot to become the Angel's Ribbon (The river running southward through the heart of Iskandar). These branches, and many more small lakes create large plains of naturally irrigated fields which have always served as supple farmlands for the Iskar Astartes, and the many cities of the Dawn Realm. It is here that most of the food in Iskandar is grown, and with the help of many knights, hedge druids, and clerics, prepared for travel to the greater fiefdoms. Such enterprise is difficult, and laborous work, especially for such small folk, but with many hands the burden is lessened.  
During their free time, many Halflings enjoy fishing among the streams, or hiking the old forest roads. Sylbannon holds an annual fishing tournament to give this daily practice a noble quality. But some mischevious residents of Sylbannon choose instead to scurry off into the depths of the sylvannic woods on warm summer nights, and partake in 'satyr parties' where moonshine alcohol, homebrew ale, and cherry wine is passed back and forth into the late hours of the morning (a practice which the foremans of the farm forbid, but... might have done themselves when they were younger).
    While the town of Sylbannon itself is quite a small affair, which has little to draw in noteable travelers except for some brief respite should they be travelling to or from the Freelands, the surrounding regions are filled with homesteads, and farmlands belonging to its community. Many hermitages can be discovered in the Chipped Pauldons, and the sylvannic woods, called the Pinebeard are known to be visited by a myriad of fey, and forest spirits. None more revered, or lovely to chat with than the descendants of Oakhurst. The Pinebeard Forest is home to many Treants, and other sentient plants who roam throughout its greenery, and are known to be quite welcoming to strangers (so long as they do not seek out their sacred, family groves, or bring harm to the woods itself). In addition to these wondrous creatures there are many Air Shrines in the region surrounding Sylbannon for legend tells of a mighty Thunderbird that dwells within the surrounding mountains, and who brings the storms which enrich the farmlands. No one has ever seen such a being, but there are many breeds of eagles, raptors, and even wyverns which make the region their home, and so perhaps in ancient days some ancestor of these great, winged beasts imprinted the denizens of Sylbannon with its mightly plumes.    

Krotogs & SpringJacks

  In addition to the wealth of vegetables which are grown in Sylbannon, there are two very unique, domesticated animals which are husbanded in this region. The Krotog, and the Springjack.   The Krotog is a curious fey creature known for laying large clusters of eggs which, if left within their natural waterways, will become Krotog-poles, but if netted and brought to the surface, will dry into large, fist sized eggs perfect for omelletes, and baking. Where hens may only lay a few eggs in every week, the Krotog lays dozens, and the yolks of such eggs are much larger. In addition to this boon, the meat of the Krotog (and the Springjack), especially the legs, can be used in a number of famously spicy Halfling dishes which are referred to as Krotoan Cuisine.   The Springjack is a large, goat-like, fey creature baring a single horn from its forehead. It has hooved feet and stands roughly 65-72cm tall. The Springjack is covered in a thick, downy of fleece which must be sheered at least four times a year. This fleece provides many volumes more quanities of material than the wool of sheep, allowing the ranchers of Springjacks to turn a pretty penny of profit, and the Springjacks can be milked (or slaughtered for meat)... But, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to husband Springjacks. Their name is derived from their speed, and their ability to leap nearly five meters into the air in a bounding arc. No simple fence can keep a Springjack coralled, and if tied down they'll often snap their necks. They can scale sheer mountain cliffs with ease, and even if they do take a nasty fall from a large height their wool is so soft, and so cushioned that they simply roll over to dampen the impact.   The best method of domesticating Springjacks is to raise them from birth, and teach them to be ridden. With a Halfling, or Gnome upon their backs a Springjack can still run at an incredible speed, but their ability to jump is decreased significantly. As long as a bond can be formed between the Springjack and the rider the creature can mostly be depended on to return to its rancher... but Springjacks are notoriously curious creatures, and have voracious appetites. They will literally eat you out of house and home, leaving only the stones of the hearth if their appetites are not satiatiated.
The city of Sylbannon was founded, not by mortals, but by a grove of mighty Treants whom laid claim to the surrounding forests and defended it against the tyrannical powers that once ruled the Dawn Realm during the first era. These Treants were lead by a sylvan spirit known as "Oakhurst" who protected and offered safe haven to many who fled the darkness, and savagery of those times. Oakhurst was eventually felled in defense of the forests he guarded, but those who inherited his havens still honor his name, and his courage.


  • Sylbannon
Founding Date
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