Cardovia - Primer

Cardovia is a small isolated section of land to the east of Wetterau and Um Bilaschca. Its inhabitants, the Bolsh people are known to be overly superstitious and backwater. In part this is true, but it is not without reason. Cardovia is known across Serrus as the area with the largest amount of malicious spirits and Fey are encountered. This makes the average Bolsh person suspicious of anything, believing that any encounter may be a Fey trick or an illusion. This is also why they have very dedicated customs and traditions that they stick with religiously to avoid any ill will from malicious spirits located all over their lands.   Many scholars believe that Cardovia is the location of the gateway to the land of spirits as well as the Elan that flows here breaks down the borders between the living world and the dead. This has caused many scholars to flock here and question the locals and go to great lengths to research this phenomenon. As a result, this has not done anything to help the Bolsh people of Cardovia tolerate and get along with outsiders. To them, most outsiders seek to pry into their lives and treat their homes and lands as idle curiosity and oddities.   Cardovia traditionally is not divided into any major regions. Each town and settlement relates to a geographical landmark they are near. This causes some confusion in the records of the government and to outsiders as it is difficult to ascertain the many, many different micro areas in Cardovia, especially since villages and homesteads practically next to each other may call a certain landmark by a different name. This also makes travel difficult to outsiders not familiar with Cardovia. It is easy to get lost when asking for directions along a route in multiple different villages and hamlets without knowing how the system works. Many foreigners have tried to master this to little avail. Many schools in the Stadts of Wetterau even have a curriculum dedicated to this complicated and vast subject.
Do not trust any maps in Cardovia and certainly don't ask for directions. The inhabitants of that bleak land have a cryptic way of navigating that will undoubtedly get you lost.
— Ferdinand Homberg, Hessan Guide