Orrusanùr Homepage | World Anvil
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Welcome to Orrusanùr, a world steeped in ancient lore and intricate history, where the echoes of gods and empires shape the very fabric of existence. For over 1400 years, the mighty Mayjorian Empire has reigned supreme, casting its shadow over vast swaths of land, its power unchallenged and its influence far-reaching.   At the heart of this empire lies the city of Sone, a testament to the grandeur and ambition of of its patroen deity, Mayjor the Creator. It is here that the emperor sits upon his throne, his authority derived from divine mandate, and his rule enforced by the strength of his legions.   But amidst the splendor of the Mayjorian Empire, whispers of a bygone era stir. The old gods, once banished to the depths of myth and legend, now threaten to rise once more. Mayjor, Paylor and Kylark, stalwart guardians of the Mayjorian pantheon, sense the looming darkness and prepare for a confrontation of titanic proportions.   As tensions mount and ancient powers awaken, the fate of Orrusanùr hangs in the balance. Will the Mayjorian Empire withstand the onslaught of the old gods, or will the world be plunged into chaos and despair once more? Only time will tell as the forces of light and darkness converge in a struggle for the very soul of the world.   *Note, if you are visiting this site and are not a current player you may reqeust access to special articles written for gamemasters (which includes statblocks and full access to any secrets.) Also there are articles written specificly for certain races that are only available to those within that special group. Again send me a message and i'll grant you access.*