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Silver Gauntlet

Clad in shining armor and fueled by righteous zeal, the Silver Gauntlet takes up arms to protect the innocent and powerless from oppression and exploitation. Wherever witches try to exploit others, vampires make grabs for power, or werewolf packs leaving devastation in their wake, gauntlet soldiers are there fighting to make things right.   Its moral stance is fundamentally good, as it strives to protect the innocent and powerless from oppression and exploitation. At the same time, members of the brotherhood are passionate about their pursuit of justice, spurred by their righteous wrath into action against evil and injustice. Consequentially, this means that members sometimes break the tenets they are charged to live by.   The Silver Gauntlet is led by not one but three guild leaders known as grandmasters. Each one a decorated general of their own respective order, that works in tandem together to run the holy city Zrosa. The three grandmasters are: Inquisitor Radomir, Silver Blade Zondra, and Silver Smith Harkus.  


Anyone who is against oppression and exploitation by the supernatural can find a place within the brotherhood by becoming a Novitiate. Novitiates are tempered within the forge of the brotherhoods discipline, devotion, and zeal. The training is deliberately harsh, to weed out the uncommitted, and to create better and stronger members. Only after three years of training, does a novitiate get sorted into one of the three orders, each lead by a grandmaster.  


Inquisitors are members that have been tasked with acting as hunters, protectors, and guides for refuguees seeking sanctuary.   Members are taught to steel their hearts, as not all prey are the supernatural but those they seek to protect. Inquisitors are the first in the fray and specialize in quickly ending a conflict.

Silver Blades

Silver Blades are members that uphold the peace within the holy city, and inside the brotherhood itself. They act as both judge, jury, and executioner within the guild.   When members get carried away by their zeal and break the law or abuse their authority, the blades take on the tasks of investigating, apprehending, and punishing the lawbreaker.

Silver Smiths

Silver Smiths are important memebers that have been tasked with filling the armory, and creating silver weapons. Silversmiths are revered because of the difficulty in imbuing the silver with strong blessings. Each silver weapon has a differnt blessing imbued at certain times during the forging process, to make a weapon magically effective against a particular foe.


Rank 1: Novitiates
Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Silver Gauntlet.   Novitiates are low-ranking members of the guild. At this level of the hierarchy, you perform minor task within the borther. Task such as: mainting the armory, passing along messages, and copy holy text.   Your salary at this rank is enough to maintain a poor lifestyle, including private quarters in the city of Zrosa.  
Rank 2: Inquisitor, Silver Blade, or Silver Smith
Prerequisite: Rank 1 and renown 10 or higher in the Silver Gauntlet.   Your new title depends on your broader interests as they relate to one of the three orders of the Silver Gauntlet:  
  • If your interests lie in becoming a hunter of evil and protector of the innocent, you become an Inquisitor.
  • If your interests lie in becoming a peace keeper within the brotherhood, you become a Silverblade.
  • If your interest lie smithing and working with silver to imbue blessing, you become a Silver smith.
  Regardless of your specific order, you are gifted one silver weapon of your choosing, holy water and a salary to afford a modest lifestyle.  
Rank 3: Captain
Prerequisite: Rank 2 and renown 25 or higher in the Silver Gauntlet.   As a captain in the Silver Gauntlet, you directly receive communications from the grandmaster to complete specific missions. They keep you informed of the brotherhoods goals, and you must answer to your grandmaster for any failures to achieve them.   You have a sqaudrine of 2d6 Silver Blades(use Soldier stat block) and a sqaudrine of 2d4 Inquisitors(use Assassin stat block) under your command. You can order them only to carry out tasks that contribute to the goals of the brotherhood.   As a captain, your salary allows you to maintain a comfortable lifestyle between adventures  
Rank 4: Grandmaster
Prerequisite: Rank 3 and renown 50 or higher in the Silver Gauntlet.   As a Grandmaster, you are one of the executive managers in charge of enacting the will of the brotherhood and protecting Zrosa. Only when a previous grandmaster has died can you take up this mantle.   As a Grandmaster, all the resources of the guild are at your disposal, and have a staff of 1d6 Captains (use the warlord stat blocks to represent them), with their sqaudrines as described for rank 3. Between adventures, you can maintain an aristocratic lifestyle.
Guild, Religious
  Inquisitor Radomir   Silver Blade Zondra   Silver Smith Harkus.

Silver Gauntlet Tenets

  • Protect and attend to the needs of the weak.
  • Put the unquiet dead to rest and bring peace to those risen from their final rest.
  • Combat the supernatural of this realm and bring an end to the reign of their tyranny. 
  • Do not trust the words of the fallen, or risk following the path towards damnation.

Scarlet Maiden

The Silver Gauntlet worships a local legend called the Scarlet Maiden who is said to have appeared before the first grandmaster, and protected him from death. Additionally, the Maiden imparted to the brotherhood a holy text describing how to kill all things evil.   The brotherhood does not expect the Maiden to eliminate all evil in the world or to create a perfect life for everyone. Instead, she is seen as a font of knowledge and protection. Those who join the brotherhood are expected to learn about this being, worship her, and spread knowledge about her.


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