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Basic Information

Crossroads. The trading post is at the intersection of more than one major trade route.  
Information. This trading post is known as a source for reliable information. They may not know everything, but your chances of finding solid gossip, lore, news, or an intriguing tidbit here is good.  
Old. The trading post was built around a hundred years ago.  
Fair. The buildings are clean and sparsely decorated. Roads are flattened earth, possibly with gravel. (+0 to population wealth roll)  
Visitor Trafic
Droves. There are lots of new faces on a regular basis.  
Small. Up to 40 standing structures.  
River.The trading post is near a steadily flowing stream, or other watercourse.  


Resident Population
Appropriate. Homes and businesses are comfortably populated.  
Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All others reasonably well represented.  
Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard on the outside, but can be friendly, if you get to know them.  
Law Enforcement
Small Local Watch. A sheriff, a deputy, and a handful of volunteer residents make up a token watch presence.  
Single, elected leader.The locals democratically voted for their current leader  
Population Wealth
Average. Most of the population have enough to live a modest life.  
Regular.The streets are crawling with criminals, and a purse unstowed is almost sure to be snatched.  

Points of Interest

General Store. Sells basic supplies, groceries, and various odds and ends.   Smithy. Sells and crafts metal tools and equipment, including very basic weapons and armor   Tanner/Taxidermist. Processes animal hides for practical or ornamental purposes.   Thatcher. Builds roofs using layers of dried straw, reeds, rushes, etc.   Carpenter. Builds with or carves wood, as well as carrying out repairs.   Cartographer. Encompasses painter, sculptor or other visual art as appropriate.   Inn. Provides accommodation, as well as a place to have a bath and a decent meal.   Doctor/Apothecary. Provides medical care.  
Extra Intrigue
Crime Central. Some of the older population remember when the trading post was run by a criminal organization, but they were ousted some time ago.  
Peace. All is quiet, almost suspiciously so...  
Troublemakers. A pack of ruffians is making themselves a nuisance to the locals. Hostile encounters are escalating and might become violent.  
Missing Person. A local has gone missing, possibly a child, and rumors abound. Some talk of monsters, but their whispers are quickly dismissed as fairy tales. Others have theories, but none have yielded fruit.   Doctor/Apothecary; Mother Mary, went missing.  
Fair. A normal day for the season. Rain, snow or wind are average and manageable.  
Danger Level
Uncommon. Danger or hazards are not encountered often, though preparation is encouraged.  
Danger Type
Raids. The trading post is often raided by nearby groups of bandits, or packs of marauding creatures.


Humans are the primaty race that take up around 40% of the population, but many other races are well repricented within the village.


Single elected person that assumes the role of Mayor.


  • Hemwick
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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