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A young man from the city of Avandyr, he lived a nice live with all the benefits that come from a loving family. A roof over his head, warm food every night and a good education. His mother and father made sure he had everything he needed to thrive and become a respectful young man.   When growing up Q started to notice some thing that made him different from other people around him, he was able to talk to people in their minds in stead of using his voice aloud. He also heard people talk about their dreams and how much fun dreaming was, but for Q this was not the case. He does not dream, he seems to relieve the same couple of visions over and over again in his mind, and this does not sound of feel like the dreams that others are talking about. This made him curious about what it was that made him so different from other people and he promised himself he would find out no matter what.   When he turned fourteen he was sent to the collage he always wanted to go to, the Bards Collage of Lore in the Highend district. While at the collage he would have to stay on campus and could only leave during the weekend and he would use this time off to go visit his parents and to work at his part time job in Highmane Academy. He applied for a job there so he could get closer the the Library of Highmane, he believed that there would be a book somewhere in the library that would tell him what he was.   When he turned eighteen he graduated from The Collage of Lore, and he learned what he believes he could have learned from the Highmane Library. He overheard some teachers talk about the library of Yvalice an even bigger collection of books about the history of Ortheos and it's inhabitants. He set out Altissa to find the answers he seeks.   Over the next three years he tried to gain entry to the Endless Library of Yvalice but to no avail, for he learned you needed the favor of the Merchant King to enter. He tried over and over to gain this favor by taking on jobs around the port. Docking ships, managing cargo and even gigs to show of his skills with a lute and his entertainment skills but nothing got him closer to the Merchant King or boosting his favor in the city. After all the let downs he through it better to sail back to Avandyr.
Year of Birth
478 AC 22 Years old

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