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History of Ortheos

The timeline will tell you about everything BD (before the War of Divinity) and AD (after the War of Divinity)

  • The Fall of the Weave
    Death of the Mother of Magic
    Celestial / Cosmic

    During the War of Divinity, Mystra Mother of Magic was killed. The weave went into a frenzy and many arcane users lost the ability to use magic for a while until a new Goddess of Magic was put in place.

    More reading
    The Eye of Ao
  • The Year of Rebirth
    The War of Divinity
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The War of Divinity raged through the continent of Ortheos during the age the gods walked the material plane. This war was started by religious fanatics that became so powerful they dared to challenge the gods them self. Most of the continent burned and many lost their homes and lives in this battle between deities and imposters. Rhudos, keeper of the flame and bringer of justice is said to be the one that ended the war by imprisoning the false deities in the abyss. Others say it was Somna, the taker of lives that slayed them singlehandedly.

  • 112 AC

    20 /6 12:00
    158 AC

    9 /2 04:00

    Age of Prosperity
    Cultural event

    During this time the continent seemed to be in harmony, races intermingled with one and other and through this created new races like the Orthalin and the Hyvarian. Orcs and Elves coexisting like brothers and sisters.

    More reading
  • 160 AC

    15 /4 15:00
    164 AC

    22 /6 02:00

    Founding of the Provence's
    Diplomatic action

    After the Age of Prosperity the races/people of Ortheos once again divided. This is when the borders where drawn and provinces where founded. Arkenna, Preylands, Thoosa, Ardor, Caelum, Myranthe and Valantis.