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After War of Divinity

0 BC 1000 AC

  • 134 AD

    28 /3
    134 AD

    28 /3

    Birth of Rashja'jar
    Life, Birth

    This marks the day that Rashja'jar was born in the town of Southbrooke.

  • 152 AD

    12 /11
    152 AD

    12 /11

    Little Brother
    Life, Birth

    Dorian, Rashja´s little brother was born.

  • 154 AD

    154 AD

    Monks Calling
    Life, Education

    He learned the ways of the Monk and started his journey to enlightenment.

  • 155 AD

    236 AD

    Discovering Ortheos
    Discovery, Exploration

    He went to find his enlightenment, where he did not know but he would find it. Ortheos is fast and there is a lot to see.

  • 236 AD

    266 AD

    Life of a Hermit
    Life, Career

    In the forests of Arkenna he found a Hermit that told him he was waiting for Rashja'jar so he stayed with the Hermit. The very next morning the Hermit was gone and Rashja'jar took his place.

  • 266 AD

    499 AD

    Spreading the Word
    Discovery, Exploration

    After a long time of soul searching Rashja'jar said to him self he had found true enlightenment and headed of into Ortheos once more, for he did not like staying in one place for too long. So his journey across the entire continent continued.

  • 499 AD

    499 AD

    The God´s Peaks
    Discovery, Exploration

    At the God's Peaks he found many statures of the God, Breor. He knew about this god through the teachings he got when he was younger about the Devine War. What was off about these statues is that they where new, not old as you would think. Also it was off for the Gnolls, Orcs, and the rest of the hordes in the Preylands did not build statures to prey to their gods. He heard chanting in the distance and went to investigate, he saw a group of clocked men preforming a sort of summoning ritual while chanting Breors name. When he went in closer to get a better look and saw bodies of orcs and gnolls scattered about, in the mess of bodies he saw one of these cloaked men with a shiny ring with an symbol on it, it's in a language he doesn't know.

  • 500 AD

    500 AD

    Mysterious Ring
    Discovery, Scientific

    With this ring in hand and the knowledge he gained while in the God's Peaks he leaves the Preylands and heads to the capital of Arkenna, Avandyr to get the answers he needs.