Faeries in Orvis | World Anvil


Making their homes among the many groves and glades that dot the Feywild, Faeries share a similar appearance with the similar-looking (but much-smaller) pixies and sprites. Rarely growing more than three feet tall, Faeries generally resemble diminutive elves with a pair of insect-like wings sprouting from their backs, though many sport one or more unique physical attributes that set them apart from others of their kind. Faeries are generally friendly and sociable creatures, but may possess an innate mischievous streak that drives them to pull the occasional prank on their companions.   Faeries in Therin have several homebrew tweeks. Their Fly speed is increased to 35 ft, they are considered size category tiny instead of small, they stand from 1-2.5 ft and can be carried by medium sized creatures with no major effort. Faeries also get a few stat deductions; -1 to strength, Disadvantage to Strength checks and saves, -10 to walking speed, and their Fly speed is in heavy rain and wind is subject to difficult terrain. Also, as an effect of their fey magic, any weapon they are proficient with will diminish in size in order to be usable.   (Since the change in their size category to tiny may have significant mechanical side effects, I may consider faeries size category as small in certain occasions to keep things balanced.)   Faeries are found almost solely in the feywild and around portals on the prime material plane that lead to the feywild. A faerie needs a good reason to wonder beyond that. For that reason, faeries are so rare as to be myth to many.  


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