Goblins/Hobgoblins/Bugbears in Orvis | World Anvil


Goblins, Hobgoblins and Bugbears are all Goblinoids and were created by the gods of their independant pantheons, but many of their names have been lost to history. All Goblinoids were originally found exclusively within the feywild up until the appearance of a greater god of war, chaos and destruction named Maglubiyet. Maglubiyet killed most of the goblinoid pantheons and rules over the goblin people with an iron fist. During this conflict, goblinoids fled the feywild and settled in the prime material plane where they can be found today in large numbers.  


  Originally Maglubiyet believed he killed all the gods within the Goblin pantheon, but the remnants of one of them seems to have survived. Goblins refuse to remember their name or create for them a new name. With a name, Magubliyet can find and kill them for good. I'll get back to this unnamed god later.   Goblins are greedy, often only care about themselves and are usually very cowardly. They stick together because they are stronger in numbers. You'll almost never see a lone Goblin.   Goblins are the smallest, weakest and most numerous of the Goblinoids, standing at the same height of halflings. Most see them as savage, mindless monsters who want only to burn and kill. In reality Goblins live in an organized society with a caste system and leaders chosen not only because of their strength, but also their ability to keep their people organized.   Goblins survive by hunting and taking from more well equiped races. Goblins are seen as dumb but are actually very capable at creating complex traps and war weapons like crude grenades, landmines, catapults, battering rams, and even seige towers. Goblins are also skilled beast trainers specializing in rats, wolves and worgs.   Goblins are also nasty, ruthless bullies. They'll torture small animals, captured humanoids, and even brutalize other goblins of lower social ranking. There exist 4 differents informal castes within Goblin society;   Lasher Cast: The strongest warriors, spellcasters, Shamans, religiouis leaders, and generally the most skilled individuals.   Hunter Cast: Hunters, Beast Masters, Gaurds, Soldiers   Gatherer Cast: Cooks, workers, food gatherers.   Pariahs: Mutated, Lepers, Outcasts. They get the toughest and nastiest labor jobs and are totally dispensible   There may also exist a single jester in a Goblin tribe. This jester is chosen out of the most lowly and ruthlessly bullied members of the Pariah caste. To grasp the role of the Jester, you need a general understanding of that last remaining Original Goblin God I mentioned earlier. The remnants of the Unnamed Goblin god represented Mischieve and Trickery. If too much nasty tyranny and bullying is going on within a Goblin tribe then there is a chance that the most horribly treated Goblin of the lowest caste with be infused with the power of this god and become a Nilbog. The Nilbog becomes very jester-like and is given inherent magical abilities to cause trickery, mayhem and chaos amung the tribe. To make it worse for the Goblins Nilbog are unkillable.   In order to subvert the creation of a Nilbog, the tribe assigns the role of Jester to the most lowly, worst treated Goblin. This Goblin is treated as untouchable. The Jester is allowed to do whatever he pleases to whoever he pleases and nobody can retaliate for fear of bringing the wrath of a Nilbog.   When other stronger Goblinoids show up like Hobgoblins and Bugbears, Goblins will immediatly submit to them and do as they please. Often Hobgoblins will enlist them into their legion, and Bugbears will kill and replace the Goblin leader and force the Goblins to keep him supplied with food.   In Therin, Goblins can be found all across any terrain that but primarily they settle on the outskirts of villages and settlements or around farmland. They often hold up in caves or forests. Goblins can also be found in smaller numbers living in city sewers or even within cities and towns amung its people. In these cases though, all but the most well spoken and peaceful of Goblins are usually segregated and religated to the slums.  


  At the same time Maglubiyet killed the Goblin pantheon, he also placed himself at the top of the Hobgoblin Pantheon and killed all but two of their gods. He decided to leave alive their chief diety Nomog-Geaya (God of tyranny and stoicism) as well as his right hand Bargrivyek (God of unity, discipline and duty). Maglubiyet did this to keep the hobgoblins loyal since they hold their gods very close. Hobgoblins nonethless make sure to hold Baglubiyet above all, out of respect for leaving two of their gods alive and for fear of them being killed.   Hobgoblins are the most organized of the Goblinoids by far, and it's common for them to build whole cities from where they stage their conquests. The military lifestyle dominates their culture. They are very skilled at engineering seige and war machines of the same level as humans. They are master weaponsmiths, skilled warriors and exceptional tacticians. In general Hobgoblins possess a higher density of military skill and military adjacent skills (weaponsmiths/seige engineers) than any other race.   Hobgoblins settled mostly to the east of Therin across the Azumgatage mountains and hold control over most of Schanabe. They also have ambitions of spreading their influence to Therin and Najradayea with whom they are at war. Hobgoblins from Schanabe are refered to as Scabs by those in Therin. Hobgoblins are also at war with many others including people of the Cipangu peninsula to their east. Because of this, the war with Therin has never been a full mobilization. Therin and Najradayea have a tenuous alliance and station a sizable shared protection force in the Redfield region of Therin and upper Najradayea to push back any advances by the Hobgoblins over the Azumgatage Range. The Scab war is second priority to the newly rekindled war with Xethihad to the west across The Great Divide.   Hobgoblins have a very Japanese/Chinese adjacent feel in my world.   Occasionally Hobgoblins can be found in towns and cities across Therin but gaurds and humans in general tend to treat them like shit and blame them for the war with the Scabs. Many of these city dwelling Hobgoblins are the few that dislike war and conflict and fled Schanabe to escape it. Humans are careful letting too many hobgoblins live in one place for fear of them getting together and starting an uprising. Peaceful Hobgoblin neighborhoods are often raided and 90% of the Hogoblins living there are arrested for false crimes or shipped off to other towns with low Hobgoblin populations. Its common for Hobgoblin children to be ripped away from their parents and sent off to Assimilation Camps where they are taught to act as human and beaten into subservience.  


  In much the same fashion as he did with the Hobgoblin pantheon, Maglubiet killed all but a few of the Bugbears gods. Two brothers named Hruggek (chief diety and god of ambush, violence, and combat) and Grankhul (personal gaurd of his brother and god of hunting, senses, and surprise). Maglubiet also left another of their gods alive by the name of Skiggaret. As the god of fear, Bugbears are terrified of Skiggaret. He is something of a boogeyman to the Bugbears. It's said that through his influence, in the heat of battle, if a bugbear fears for their life they may become suddenly terrified, lashing out at friend and foe in a desperate attempt to escape death. Bugbears are fiercely loyal to the brother dieties even over Maglubiet.   Bugbears are very unlike the other Goblinoid races. They stand around 7 foot tall, are largely covered in hair, they are not skilled craftsmen, and they are notoriously lazy. Bugbears are not only extremly strong, large and ruthless, but also deathly quiet and unearthly fast for their size. They typically prefer to travel alone or in small groups of no more than 4. They hate working within hobgoblin armies but will do so if they believe that their brother dieties wish for them to do so. The minute they believe the war has lost their favor though, they will revolt and leave.  


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